1. Mascara - 2 to 3 months. | The Odyssey Online
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know When to ditch your makeup with this cheat sheet

Or literally face the consequences...

know When to ditch your makeup with this cheat sheet

I, as countless makeup lovers everywhere, tend to lose track of exactly where half of my products came from. Unless I'm using it daily, a lot of them just sit in a bag and get shuffled around now and then.

As the weather gets hotter and wetter this summer, we need to make way for sturdier beauty products and ditch those we can do without.

Here's a list of appropriate - and need I say necessary - expiration dates to keep track of your makeup.

1. Mascara - 2 to 3 months.

Unfortunately mascara is the first to go, and often the most commonly overlooked. Don't wait for that sucker to dry out!

2. Lip Gloss - 12 months.

Lip gloss lasts a noteably shorter amount of time than lipstick, as you constantly dip the used brush back into the product to be sealed up.

3. Concealer - 18 months.

Concealer has a much longer shelf life than expected, but let's be real - that will be used up much faster than needed.

4. Eyeshadow - 2 years.

Luckily you have time to give each shade its chance to shine!

5. Lipstick - 2 years.

Should it last that long, two years actually seems like a very fair lifespan for a product used on your mouth.

6. Eyeliner - 4 to 6 months.

This shouldn't surprise anyone. Any product getting shoved towards your waterline has gone through a lot.

Highlighter - 2 years


Let your shimmer shine long-time!

8. Blush - 2 years.

Don't worry about running out when you get too pale this winter - this guy is here to stay for a while.

9. Bronzer - 2 years.

You've got just as long to rock a contour, and that sounds like good news to me.

10. Brushes (cleaned) - multiple times per week!.

Find the time. Do it. No excuses. Your skin will thank you!

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