What To Expect From Walking Dead Season 7
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What To Expect From Walking Dead Season 7

Last we saw Rick and the gang they were in the toughest spot they've been in since the beginning. Will they find a way out? And who will die at the hands of Negan?

What To Expect From Walking Dead Season 7

Season 6 of the Walking Dead (WD from here on) left fans with the biggest cliff-hanger in television history probably next to the mystery of the 1980's hit TV show Dallas when fans were left with the question of "Who shot J.R.", the relentless CEO of the Ewing Oil Company. When we last saw Rick and the gang he, Carl, Eugene, Rosita, Abraham, Glenn, Maggie, Michonne, Sasha, Aaron, and Darryl were on their kneels in a line surrounded by what seems to be hundreds of members of the self proclaimed "saviors." In the last seconds of the scene Negan slams Lucille into one of their heads as we hear distorted screaming and we see blood begin to roll down the screen. It then goes black and the credits appear. Fans have many theories as to what happens next, who Negan killed, and what will happen next. There are also many questions that still need to be answered that weren't at the end of season 6.

First off, it is important to distinguish the different types of WD fans. There are the hardcore fans that dress up like the characters for Halloween, read the comic books, go to COMICcon, and have seen every interview with anyone who has to do with the show from Andrew Lincoln (who unbeknownst to most fans in actually British and his real name is Andrew Clutterbuck) who plays Rick to Norman Reedus who plays Darryl to the show's producer Robert Kirkman. Then there are those that have been watching since the beginning when the show premiered on October 31, 2010. Then there are those who started watching on Netflix after the show premiered. I actually didn't start watching until August of this year, yes I know I started late. It took me a little over 2 months but I finished it in time for the season 7 premier. With all of that being said the big question looming to the hardcore fans is if Kirkman and his crew will go by the comics which would mean having Glenn die at the hands of Negan. Many fans believe this to be true though the show has deviated significantly from the comics. If the show were sticking to the comics 100% then Abraham would already be dead, Darryl wouldn't even exist, and one of Rick's hands would've been cut off by the Governor.

There are videos all over YouTube that suggest all different theories of a possibility of every character possibly dying in a different scenario. The theory that many fans have been subscribing to is that it will be Glenn and Abraham who get killed dealing a huge blow to the gang in terms of man power. Some say it is Darryl and some say it is Maggie. Nonetheless, whoever Negan kills will surely deal a huge blow to the gang mentally and physically as well as deeply lower their morale. Norman Reedus, who plays Darryl, has said the first episode will have fans "kicking their TVs." Even the crator Robert Kirkman is saying he "found it hard to watch the first episode."

My theory is that Maggie will die at the hands of Negan. My reasoning can be seen through the video below:

First of all there is blood on the right side of Rick's face that wasn't there in the last episode of season 6. That would mean the person Negan killed would have the be on Rick's right side meaning Maggie. At 3:11 in the video we here sobbing that sounds like Glenn which would also mean Maggie had been killed and not him as many are suggesting. There is also possibility in Darryl being killed as well as in the final seconds the blanket he was wearing when he came out of the van is seen laying on the ground. That would only be if 2 characters die, if only one I would say Maggie. The reason I reject the mainstream theory of Glenn and Abraham dying is that we hear sobbing that sounds like Glenn in the final seconds of the trailer. Also, in another trailer a quick scene comes up that seems to show Abraham fighting off a walker. This can be seen below:

Sasha, Rosita, and Aaron don't play big enough roles for their deaths to be causing this much hysteria and Carl, Rick, and Eugene have already been ruled. I believe with the evidence presented it can't be Glenn or Abraham as mainstream theories have suggested but rather Maggie and possibly Darryl.

Next to who Negan killed another important question to be answered this season would be how Alexandria is doing under the care of Father Gabriel. Gabriel has surely come a long way since his debut on the show. At first he is very skeptical of killing the walkers and seems physically and mentally unfit but then he becomes a huge asset for the team with his care of Judith. Someone who went from Rick's enemy as he told Deanna "Rick and his people don't belong" is now an important player in the survival of the Alexandria group.

The origin of Negan must also be explained in this season. How did he become so powerful? What is so good about him that he has a band of followers that seems to reach hundreds? There must be a back story to him as no one rises up with that much power that quickly. Of course with Negan saying he wants Rick people to work for him the question also looms as to whether Rick and his people will submit peacefully or fight back? Rick's group is full of fighters that always have each other's backs. It seems extremely unlikely that any of them would submit to Negan even if it is a life or death situation.

A new character also gets introduced to the show via the trailer for season 7. His name is Ezekiel. He is seen in the preview with the dread lock hair and a tiger as a pet. In the comics he has a community called The Kingdom and helps bring Negan and the Saviors down. Carol and Morgan will also be given significant attention within the first few episodes. Last we saw them Morgan rescues Carol who is laying on the ground after being shot in the arm twice. Carol's emotional state is weakening as she pleads with Morgan just to leave her to die. Eventually 2 men on horseback show up dressed in armour and look to help. The identity of these men is not revealed. It also seems as if Morgan is changing his stance on violence and killing humans. In Morgan's past he had formed the idea that where there is life there is opportunity for change which explains why he doesn't want to kill anyone living. He learned this from Eastman. It seems as if this idea of his is changing for survival purposes as he kills the man who shot Carol twice.

The future of Tara and Heath also lies in question. Though Heath plays a major role in the comics his role in the show is only minor which leads many to believe he will only be around for a few episodes this season before he gets killed off. Tara still hasn't found out that Denise took an arrow through the eye which may do damage to her emotionally.

The fate of the Rick's crew at the hands of Negan will be seen on Sunday night on AMC starting October 23.

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