ideas to combat summer boredom
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15 Things To Do When You're Home For The Summer And Don't Know What To Do

Ideas for when you're bored.

15 Things To Do When You're Home For The Summer And Don't Know What To Do

While lounging around the house after the fourth day back home, I realized how much precious time I was wasting by only playing solitaire and sudoku for hours on end. Instead, I had an epiphany that I could be doing something way more productive and constructive for myself. Whether that was creating something, learning something new, or improving my environment, I had to change the way I was living. If I continued this lounging around like I had been for the first week back home, my summer would waste away. Yes, summers are for relaxing but also one must take advantage of the free time in between the stress of studying and work. So with that, I compiled a list of things I should do or attempt to move my summer forward in a productive and hopefully, even memorable way.

1. Learn to Crochet/Knit

There's nothing more calming than the repetitive motions of crocheting and knitting. After a year of hectic schedules and stressing over exams and papers, it's nice to find some calm while making something functional and artistic.

2. Bake or Learn to Cook a New Dish

You're probably craving something yummy and maybe even something healthy after a year of eating campus food, so learn to bake or cook something new and if the end product is edible, why not share it with your family and friends?

3. Color/ Draw/ Sketch

Art is always appreciated. And compared to knitting and crocheting, it's a lot easier to pick up and offers a lot of therapeutic benefits as well.

4. Clean the House

I know it's a chore and you'd rather just relax and lay in your bed all day, but try just picking up a vacuum and start from your room. After all, there's probably a lot of dust sitting around after a year in an unused room. However, think about your parents too. They're probably at work and coming home to a vacuumed, wiped down, and organized house is much appreciated by everyone. Do a good deed for the people you love!

5. Learn a New Language

Many of us are required to learn a language in school, but picking a language up on your own is definitely more fun and less pressure when you know you're doing it for yourself because you want to.

6. Read for Fun

Because when was the last time you read any book you wanted for fun and out of pure interest.

7. Explore Your City

You may have grown up in the city you call home on breaks, but do you really know everything and every place in your city? And...if you answered yes, then try exploring a neighboring or nearby city. You might just find a treasure attraction you didn't know your city offered.

8. Go for a Run

Running is not only good for one's health but the rhythmic breathing running offers can also be considered a form of meditation.

9. Try a New Workout Routine or Pick Up a New Sport

It's never too late to get a summer body or even excel in a sport you've never tried playing before. Who knows, maybe you'll even join a new club sport in the fall!

10. Learn How to do the Splits

This is definitely considered a party trick you can show off to your friends during your next get together.

11. Reorganize Your Closet--Donate the Things You Don't Need

If you're like me, you still have clothes you wore in high school...and maybe even middle school too. There's so much real estate you're wasting in your house or closet by keeping clothing you no longer wear. And once you've cleaned out your unwanted clothes, donate it!

12. Make a Playlist or Mixtape for a Friend, Relative, or Significant Other

Music is life so why not share some of your favs with your favorite people!

13. Play Dressup and Create New Styles From the Clothes You Already Have

Whenever I need to find something to wear in the morning or for a special event, I always find myself thinking I don't have any clothes to wear, even though my closet is filled to the rim. So try taking the pieces you already have and pairing them with a pair of bottoms you never considered wearing with your favorite top. You can maximize your favorite pieces to its fullest potential.

14. Get a Summer Job

Earning some extra moolah when you have no school work to worry about definitely goes along way. Also, it can help build up your resume, preparing you for the workforce that is ever so quickly catching up to us.

15. Binge Watch Your Favorite Movies and Shows

Because you deserve it after a year of grinding at school.

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