Stop Stereotyping My Hogwarts House | The Odyssey Online
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Stop Stereotyping My Hogwarts House

"We Slytherins are brave, yes, but not stupid." J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Stop Stereotyping My Hogwarts House

Hello, my name is Julianna Turner and I am a full-blooded wizard adopted by a family of muggles.

I know, I know. You’re thinking, "Wow, Harry Potter. What an original topic of an article." THANKS SO MUCH! I think so too.

But I’m here to talk to you about so much more than just Harry Potter. We need to have a chat about the best house Hogwarts has to offer. You guessed it, Slytherin.

Us Slytherins are a misunderstood bunch. We’re not all evil. This I can guarantee. Sure, there are some not so great members of Slytherin like Bellatrix LeStrange and Dolores Umbridge, just to name a couple.

Yeah, Voldemort was a Slytherin too, but we aren’t going to mention that.

But let’s chat about Draco Malfoy. Draco wasn’t ALL terrible. He was mostly angsty that he didn’t get as much attention and glory as the ever so famous Harry Potter. Had he not been raised by Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, he would’ve been just fine. I mean, Draco couldn’t kill Dumbledore. And, who can forget that cringe-worthy hug between Draco and Voldemort? If someone had truly loved and revered the Dark Lord, they wouldn’t have had this reaction to hugging him.

That being said, it’s easy to assume all Slytherins are evil because “Voldemort was a Slytherin.” But let's remember, Professor Horace Slughorn and Merlin were both Slytherins and they're pretty bitchin'.

If you are chosen as a part of the Slytherin house, wear your crest with pride. Slytherins are cunning, competitive, and ambitious - all of which are admirable traits. Sometimes these traits can be overbearing, but with the right amounts of each, Slytherins really rock. #slytherwin

(And no, Draco, we don't).

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