I'm here to tell you there are.
I've always been a firm believer that not all men want to mess with your mind and emotions. But you never really hear about the good guys anymore, mainly because if a guy says they're "good" or "nice" that means they aren't. They have to prove it to you.
Regardless of sexual orientation or relationship status, I had some college-aged guys talk about what love is, and if they believe in it. They gave definitions based on their previous love experiences and what they know.
"Love is knowing someone inside and out. It's the willingness to go the extra mile for someone."
-Alex, 23
"Love is two people who are best friends, deciding to take on life as a tag team, instead of a single's match​."
- Jake, 20
"Love is an unshakable connection between a person and their person or their object of affection."
- Luke, 22
"Love to me is the difference between needing someone and wanting someone. You might need a friend to study but you might want someone you love just to be with you no matter what you are doing. It's also doing little things just to see another person happy when you know they could use a smile on a hard day. It's putting someone else's needs and wants above your own."
-James, 21
"Love is wanting to wake up and see that one person's face...in comparison to a bottle of tequila."
Marcus, 22
"Love, to me, is being more excited to do facemasks with your significant other than they are."
Carter, 19
You only ever hear about the rotten eggs. It's not fair to judge every man by the actions of one. There are good people, good men, out there who know what love is and what it means to care for another person. You just have to sift through the bad ones and give yourself to the right people. While that may be hard to tell who's good and bad, know that you'll know. As vague as that is, you'll know what I mean.