It's hard when you feel like you are so close to someone to only realize they are abusing your friendship.
They only talk to you when nobody else is around.
When it's just the two of you, you guys can talk for hours. Get one more person around, and it's like you're a ghost.
You make plans with them and they do them with someone else.
I was supposed to get matching tattoos with a "friend" from high school.... guess who went with someone else?
They don't talk to you unless you start the conversation
Then, even when you do start the conversation, it's like they are only half there.
They always expect you to be there for them, but are never around for you
A minor inconvenience? You better answer their call. You're stranded alone somewhere? Not even a text back.
They always make plans with you, but then ditch you last minute
Nothing is worse than getting the "Sorry, I'm sick" text, then seeing them out with someone else.
They go after your ex
And then they make you feel crazy for getting upset because "they are friends, too".
You can tell talking that talking to you annoys them.
They just cannot wait to get away from you.
They aren't as happy for you as you are for them.
You are so overjoyed when they get an A on a quiz, but you could become president and they wouldn't care.
They don't keep your secrets
You cannot tell them anything, because you have witnessed time and time again them telling someone your business.
You can tell they have drifted away
It's harder to talk to them. Everything feels forced, nothing is the same.
Nothing is worse than the sudden realization that someone you once considered a best friend—now only sees you as a convenience.
It's like you're only there for their own benefit, and it's the worst. It's hard to let go of that friendship that you once had, but you're honestly better off without them. Don't let them abuse your friendship.