What I've Learned In College
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What I've Learned In College

Or, more of the life-lessons College slapped me in the face with.

What I've Learned In College

Budgeting our time, molecular biology, proper business models, how many times we can frequent Starbucks before our DB runs out... We learn a lot.

We learn a lot about our majors, our hopeful professions, what we think we know, and why it may be right or wrong. What we don't always realize is that college can teach us far more than what's falling from our professor's mouth.

So, behold, I give you a small list of some other things college taught me:

1. I'm now officially classified as an 'Adult'
I know. This one was disgusting. . . probably the hardest lesson I learned, but I'm glad I did. I'm now an adult; this means that I make my own rules, cater my own decisions and am now in charge of my own self-accountability. I make my decisions and eat my own consequences. It stings, but hey. . . Comes with the territory, I guess.

2. Adults make very "Adult" decisions.
This kind of ties into point no. 1. Now that we're on our own, living at school, or roughing it in the city, we're staring down the barrel of some tough decisions. Maybe our parents warned us about them, but of course we know everything so we didn't listen. (Mom -- if you're reading this... Don't. You. Say. A. Word. Thanks.) We can always call and ask for advice or input. . . but now we have to make those decisions. That's scary enough in it's own. Let's just hope it isn't a decision coming down to: Groceries, or rent? (I'm currently enjoying a lovely meal I've prepared from my full cupboards with a 'late notice' on my table. Who needs rent, anyways?)

3. Friends truly are a dime-a-dozen
Acquaintances, I literally couldn't count them. FaceBook friends? Yeah, okay. True friends. . . well that's when your mom pops into your head and you find yourself agreeing with her: "They're not really your friend. They're not gonna inconvenience themselves when you need them, like you do to yourself." Well ya' know what. . . you were right. We begin to learn this in college. Those five people we hashtagged "SQUADDDDD" with all of Freshman year are probably off doing their own thing right now, and you haven't crossed their mind in two years. (Sidenote: 'Squad' wasn't even a thing when I was a freshman. Neither were hashtags?) It's those people who came across campus when you skipped class to check on you, the ones who ran you to Walmart to grab a tie before Formal Chapter, and the person who woke up at 3am to come pick you up from a bar when you called them hurling in the parking lot. That friends list may say 1,600... but all you need are those 3.

4. Life is ABSOLUTELY a Bitch.
There. I said it. Life sucks... a lot. Like... a lot, a lot. And ya know what? Mom and dad aren't always gonna be there to tell us it's going to work itself out. Ya' know why? Because life doesn't always work itself out. Things happen in life... terrible things. College taught me this almost better than anything, and it also taught me that the only way to resolve it, is by accepting it, working towards a new goal around it, and moving on. It's not a kinked garden-hose, it's not just going to magically pop-back into pre-tragedy place. Tie up your hair, pour some coffee, put on some Trap Music and handle your shit... Life's not gonna do it for you, hunny.

5. Procrastination is totally acceptable.
For instance, even this entire article was created somewhat last-minute. The bottom line is that procrastination is going to happen, and I encourage it. It's not about the time-line of the work, it's the quality. Twenty-page thesis? I'll start it the day before. (Okay It was actually 15, and I do not recommend this. It was foolish.) My point is, a schedule is pointless, to be honest. We rarely stick to it, so why force ourselves to a schedule we're killing ourselves to keep? You know when things are due, and you know how long it takes you to do them... you got this.

And #6. . . Last but not least: College taught me, above anything else, to enjoy the ride.
Yes. Sit back, let the top down, your hair out and feel the breeze. College taught me many valuable lessons, but none more so important than this. We can go to school and rack up 12 MSN's and 32 BSA's... but what good is any of the suffering we're putting ourselves through if we never go to enjoy the small things? Slow down, smell the roses, take a vacation and relax. Enjoy this beautiful mess of a life you can't control, and find comfort in your chaos! One of my favorite quotes, of my favorite television show, perfectly encompasses how I feel, live, and think: "For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about." -The Doctor.

Go forth, be weird, live life and do good, you beautiful train-wrecks of emotionally unstable millennials!

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