What Happens When You Grow Up? Discover the Surprising Truth
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What Happens When You Grow Up?

Here are 30 things that prove you are no longer the carefree teenager you once were.

Two girls laughing

Maybe the term "adult" is not so daunting after all.

  • You value the time you get to spend with your family even more, since it is so limited.

    people standing on shore during golden hourpeople standing on shore during golden hour Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

  1. You see your mom as your best friend and turn to her more for advice.
  2. You know who your friends for life are.
  3. You care about your health and start making an effort to eat healthy and exercise.
  4. You become more comfortable saying “no.” You begin to do what is best for you.
  5. The word No text overlay on red backgroundNo text overlay on red background Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash

  6. You understand that things change and people will come and go from your life.
  7. You actually begin to enjoy the taste of wine.
  8. “Going out” doesn’t sound as exciting as it used to. In fact, “staying in” and watching a movie sounds pretty great.
  9. You stop experiencing FOMO. You are able to look at Instagram without feeling that you missed out.
  10. You understand that the most challenging and significant relationship you have is with yourself.
  11. woman with crossed hands over her chestwoman wearing silver-colored ring Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

  12. You have a handful of accomplishments that you are proud of.
  13. You don’t feel like you’re broke all of the time because you have learned to manage your money.
  14. You can’t get away with sleeping four hours a night anymore. In fact, you need at least eight hours to be able to function.
  15. You start to focus on your career goals and have a plan for what you want in the future.
  16. You have realized that life goes by fast and have made an effort to enjoy it while you're young.
  17. person in black and white shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on rockman in black and white shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on rock formation during daytime Photo by Sandra Martins on Unsplash

  18. What you want in a guy has changed and you start looking for someone whose values match your own.
  19. When you go shopping you head to the house or apartment decoration section.
  20. You accept that some things aren’t meant to be. You can look back on the past and realize why specific relationships or friendships didn’t work out.
  21. You have learned how to manage your time.
  22. You are able to laugh at yourself.
  23. smiling woman in pink sweatersmiling woman wearing pink sweater Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

  24. You consider the effects of each decision you make.
  25. You start finding joy in things you never did when you were younger.
  26. You understand when you should apologize and you have learned how to forgive others.
  27. You start to cherish the memories you have from your childhood, and you sometimes wonder why you ever wanted to grow up.
  28. You are okay with being alone and don’t need to be surrounded by people at all times.
  29. woman laying alone on a logwoman in black zip-up jacket leaning on large log at daytime Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

  30. For the first time, you actually understand why your parents made you go to church. You start to care about your faith and feel better after attending mass.
  31. You have had a few moments in your life that have significantly changed your perspective and made you stronger and braver.
  32. You start wanting to know what is going on in the world and start paying attention to major world events.
  33. You realize that confiding in someone doesn’t mean you’re weak.
  34. You have become more confident in yourself because you are starting to figure out who you are.
  35. black man in yellow turtleneck sweater standing in a confident stanceman in yellow turtleneck sweater and blue denim jeans standing on black metal fence during daytime Photo by Troy Spoelma on Unsplash

What happens when you grow up is, you become the best version of yourself. It means learning from past mistakes and letting go of what could or would have been. It's about learning to appreciate each relationship in your life.

Growing up is about realizing that you are no longer the carefree teenager that you once were, but you are completely okay with it. You have an amazing journey of adulthood in front of you, so make the most of it!

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