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What can you do Now to Prevent Alzheimer's?

Alzheimer's is a progressive neurological disease that affects memory and mental functions in many older adults

What can you do Now to Prevent Alzheimer's?

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June is Alzheimer's awareness month. Due to the large scale effects Alzheimer can have on individuals as well as their families, a lot of research funding has been devoted to understanding and developing a cure for Alzheimer. Though a cure has not been found, connections have been made between lifestyle choices and instances of Alzheimer. Therefore, individuals can begin implementing lifestyle changes long before Alzheimer disease begins to take effect.



Daily exercise has been found to be the most effective lifestyle change to prevent the development of Alzheimer. It has even been found that a consistent exercise regimen can slow the progression of Alzheimer disease in those that have already been diagnosed. 30 minutes of exercise five days a week is all you need to reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer's.

Eat Better


Along with exercise, diet has been found to have a great influence in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Variations of vegetarian/vegan diets, which include many vegetable and fruits, has been linked with slower progression of Alzheimer. As well, many vitamins in fish have also been found to prevent, or slow the progression of Alzheimer's



Lack of strong social bonds and connections have a strong link in the development of Alzheimer's. Therefore, by being social, and meeting new people you are decreasing your chances of developing Alzheimer's

Don't ever stop learning


Learning requires neuroplasticity, or an increase in nerve connections. The more strong, nerve connections you have, the more likely you are to retain information and have effective memory skills. Therefore, by continually experiencing and learning new things, you are exercising your brain in a sense. Such mental exercises are important in preventing the development of Alzheimer's

Get lit!


Just another reason to love wine, moderate consumption of red wine has been found to improve memory, and may be able to prevent the development of Alzehimer's disease.

To find out more about Alzheimer's and support research visit:

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