What is the current state of our Ummah? Is it good? Is it bad? Could it use some work? Well if your answer to those questions was "Its bad, and it could use some work" then you're definitely right. Our Ummah is struggling both physically and mentally. Other countries like the United States come and invade their land, destroy it and along it, the image of Islam. It is not only countries like America (I will generalize it to "The West") but it is also our fault. Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia would allow kafir countries like the West to kill our Ummah just for proper diplomatic relationships and most importantly, the dollar.
When the U.S. invaded Iraq, did Saudi try its very best to support our Ummah? No. They would rather invest and build vending machines that dispense gold. Then we have our Palestinian brothers and sisters suffering under the siege of Israel, yet the only Islamic country that seems to care is Iran. How could this be when Allah Subhana wa ta'ala has commanded us to stick together " And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it.
Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided." Yet we are also each other's enemies? We have separated ourselves to the terms "Shia" and "Sunni" instead of us just being MUSLIM and kill each other over different branches that bear the same faith. We have so much against us, that even when 250 of our ummah dies in a Muslim country, it means nothing and when tragedy afflicts the West if the whole world felt their anguish. An example would be when the 200+ innocent civilians died in Baghdad, where was the massive media coverage? And when the 80 people died in France, how much media coverage did they receive? Every life is precious, but we live in a world where a life who is not white and different from the West is worth significantly less, this picture here is an example.But we only have ourselves to blame because we let this kind of behavior become acceptable over the years. As minorities in America we put so much effort into pleasing the majority and making people see that our religion is of peace and we try our best to show them that we are just as American as them but in our hearts we know we cannot ever co-exist with most of these kafirs. If the descendants of the African community has not been able to achieve equality after hundreds of years of oppression, what makes us think we can achieve peace this way? The ignorant will always outnumber the intelligent especially in America. What we should be focusing on is coming together to create a united Middle East and Africa.
Allow me to ask a question; why is the West incredibly strong? Because of their early exploitation of our ancestors and stealing their riches and the most important reason: THEY ARE UNITED. What would happen if Russia or Saudi decided to invade the U.K.? NATO would happen, and it would wreak havoc especially on Saudi Arabia. Now another hypothetical question, what if the entire Middle East was united back in 2003, and i literally mean the entire Middle East, would America have invaded Iraq and killed almost half a million innocent people? NO! Let's add Africa to the list, if Africa; the main supplier of coltan, an element crucial to make our electronics work, was with this United Middle East, would the West treat us the way they treat us and other minorities now? NO! They would have no choice but to respect every single minority in this world, especially in America. A United Middle East poses a huge threat to the West, because these invisible top officials know that if all of us minorities would come together it would shamble the West's old colonial chains and diminish their riches. We cannot allow our Syrian, Palestinian, Iraqi, Iranian, Afghan, Pakistani and African brothers and sisters be invaded, oppressed, or controlled any longer.
We must PUSH for an alliance with every oppressed country! We must restore balance to this war filled world caused by the West's greedy ambitions. It is our duty as Muslims to look after this world that Allah Subhana wa ta'ala has created for us!. So I beseech to you my Ummah, let us try to find ways to improve diplomatic relations with each other (i.e. other countries) and prevent more civilians from dying, especially the children, humanities future. Let us protect one another if anyone tries to harm us and exploit us! Let us remove the West's old colonial chains from all of us! Lets use our efforts for something better and more realistic! Let us bring real world peace!