How to De-Stress At Smith College
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How to De-Stress At Smith College

Take a breath ... and have some fun!

How to De-Stress At Smith College

With classes in full swing and the weather beginning to feel a lot like spring, here are some great ways to de-stress while at Smith!

1. Watch an SEC Movie in Weinstein

If you don’t want to hike out to Hampshire Mall, Weinstein is a great place to watch a movie with other people during the weekend.

2. Hangout in the Capen Gardens

The tulips will be blooming soon!

3. Go to Forbes Library

The Children’s section is a wonderful hideaway—they even have some fish! There are also some great places to study there.

4. Sit in on that cool lunch bag talk

Maybe you’ll learn something new? If not, you’ll get a lunch out of it!

5. Wander around the botanical gardens

Whether you’re there to see the bulb show, the orchid show, or just to see some plants that look alive, the botanical gardens is a great place to rejuvenate.

6. Play Frisbee on Chapin Lawn

PDNWOGIYAGA … You can ignore these signs if you’re at Chapin Lawn to have fun.

7. Go to Smith-to-do

Sometimes Galaxy slime is a great way to get out your feelings on a Saturday night.

8. Walk by the Mill River

You might find some flowers growing there … Or you might stumble upon a secret hideout, like the Labyrinth!

9. Hang out downtown with friends

Local Burger, Herrell’s, The Raven, ACME, Faces—There are plenty of places downtown where it’s nice to just chill

10. Watch a sporting event

You may not understand the game, but you can cheer for your friendly athletes!

11. Go to an event in your house

Laughing off the stress of school with your housemates is truly wonderful!

12. Drive to MacLeish Field Station!

You can take a hike or do homework and be refreshed by beautiful scenery!

13. Take the PVTA somewhere new

Sometimes you just need to get out of the Smith Bubble

14. Go for a bike ride

The bike trail has some beautiful sights

15. Go to the gym

A great stress reliever!

16. Climb the rock wall

An activity that's full of excitement and fun!

17. Take a hike!

Mt Tom is so close, and the views are great from a mountaintop!

18. Kayak out on Paradise Pond

Maybe explore that island in the middle

19. Attend one of the A capella shows

The Reens, the Poofs … You’ve got multiple great groups to choose from!

20. Go to a museum

Look at some art in the Smith College Museum of Art or the Eric Carle Museum (Hampshire College).

21. Play the piano in your house's living room

Just make sure you aren’t disturbing anyone

22. Take a road trip to the Book Mill

Because one can never have enough books

23. Eat lunch outside

Get something from grab and go or get a plate from a dining hall and find a spot of grass to soak in the sun—just remember to bring your dishes back!

24. Play some board games with friends in the CC

Maybe get a mudslide while you’re at it.

25. Treat yourself to some delicious Hungry Ghost snacks

The bread smells so delicious … just this once?

26. See a performance in Mendenhall or Sage

Then sit in awe at how amazing the people who worked on/performed in the show are.

27. Pull a Smithie and drink some tea!

Calming chamomile, energetic earl grey … you'll be able to take some from the dining hall

28. Enjoy the views of Paradise Pond while reading a book

A peaceful way to relax.

29. Netflix and Nap ... in your own bed

Honestly, you probably need sleep the most!

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