April 22 is a time to appreciate and show some love to our home we call Earth. This special day is Earth Day, and humans have been celebrating this holiday for a long time. Here are 10 tips for you to show your appreciation for Mother Nature and the Earth.
Ride your bike instead of traveling by car
Why not get some exercise and save the environment at the same time! Walk or bike to the places you need to go and contribute less air pollution to the environment. Exercise makes people feel good. Other alternatives to going green when traveling are car pooling and taking public transportation.
Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags
Avoid having more plastic entering the landfills by using reusable bags. These bags can be purchased for a small fee at most grocery and retail shops, and it can be reused many times.
Don't leave outlets plugged in 24/7
Avoid harming the environment by using this trick of unplugging all electrical prongs when not in use. This will also help your electrical bill and other utility bills you have. Save some money and the environment with this helpful tip.
Plant a tree
Go green by planting a tree on Earth Day. Watch the tree grow overtime and see it develop. Not only is it a fun activity, but brings in more oxygen to the environment. Instead of chopping trees, plant one.
Donate your items to a local thrift storeĀ
Do you have any clothes or items you no longer need? Forget throwing the items in the dumpster and donate gently used items and clothes. Not only are you contributing to less waste in landfills, but you are also helping the community by donating to thrift stores. Make an item that you no longer want as someone's treasure when they buy it a thrift store.
Drink from reusable water bottles
Reusable water bottles are a far better investment than plastic water bottles. Instead of paying for a pack of water bottles, invest in one reusable water bottle and refill it as many times desired! Less waste in a landfill is always a good thing.
Use both sides of the paper
Another way to save waste in our landfills is to use both sides of a paper. This will also save people money when they don't have to buy too much paper.
Let your clothes dry up using the sun
Use the magic of the sun by helping washed clothes dry up. Instead of using a dryer, utilize the sun to help with chores. Using less energy is always a good thing.