Climate change is one of the biggest issues in the world and we need to stop it. With global temperatures reaching higher and higher as the years go by, all of our lives are at risk. So, how can we solve it? There are countless solutions out there, however, some cannot be done alone. Below are a few ways you can help stop climate change including those you can do right from your own home.
1. Wash your laundry in cold water
Energy use is a huge one when if comes to our day-to-day lives. A great amount of energy goes into warming the water (90%) in our washing machines so it's just better to save that energy and use cold water. According to the Sierra Club, using only cold water eliminates around 1,600 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions each year so making this switch is an easy one.
2. Switch to LED lightbulbs
Back in high school my teacher taught me that switching to LED lights is way more efficient than using the standard. Sure LEDs cost a bit more but they also use way less energy and last a much longer time. Now, you don't have to go buying all LED replacement bulbs for all the lights in your house. Start by replacing bulbs one by one as they go out; eventually, you'll have all LEDs!
3. Make a compost bin
To limit your trash, consider making a compost bin. There are countless tutorials out there to assist you with this and it's incredibly easy to use. However, you can't go throwing just anything into your compost. Things you can put in include eggshells, fruits and vegetables, cardboard (uncoated, small pieces), tea bags, coffee grounds and filters, wood chips, hair and fur, leaves, grass clippings, etc.
4. Eat a more plant based diet
This may be a little tricky for some people, but we can all learn to do this and stick with it. Try eliminating meat from a couple meals each week.
5. Purchase more eco-friendly products
This one can go a long way. Simply swap your standard cleaning products with ones that are more green. You can also purchase more environmentally friendly makeup or use baking soda or raw honey for a facial cleanser.
6. Go car free
7. Recycle
This is such an obvious one but there simply isn't enough of it. The amount of plastic and other things that ends up in the water and other places is horrifying. Take your plastic bottles and paper products and throw them in the recycling bin. You can also do this by putting your old products to use for something else in your home. Recycling reduces air and water pollution, saves energy, and creates a clean environment.
8. Fly less
Planes may be one of the safest modes of transportation but they are the largest polluters of all of them. Maybe you still have to fly across the country for a business related trip, but you can help the environment by flying one less trip each year. By taking less flights, airlines will burn smaller amounts of fuel that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. For example, if you're taking a shorter trip, it's better to just drive.
9.Eliminate beef
This goes along with eating more plant based foods but I feel this is such an important part of it I left it by itself. Many people don't know it, but animal agriculture is the leading cause of man made climate change. Cattle take up a massive portion of land and a lot of energy goes into the production of beef. When cows feed, they release methane gas which is much worse than carbon dioxide. In fact, one molecule of methane is the equivalent of twenty carbon dioxide molecules. That's a lot of emissions, especially here in the United States.
To solve this, try removing beef from your diet completely, if you can; you might have to start off slow and build your way up. This doesn't mean you have to go full out vegan or vegetarian. If you have to have some flesh between your teeth, consider replacing beef with chicken as it takes up less land and doesn't have as many emissions.