Was 2016 The Worst Year Ever?
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Was 2016 The Worst Year Ever?

Some years are worse than others.

Was 2016 The Worst Year Ever?
Litchfield Beach & Golf Resort

Yep, 2016 kind of sucked. We lost Hollywood stars; Carrie Fisher, Prince, Alan Rickman and more. We saw the attacks on Aleppo and the largest shooting in America. We saw the death of Harambe. We saw the outbreak of the Zika virus. We had some rough times, but I don't truly believe 2016 was the worst year ever. Here are a few years that might take the cake and title "Worst Year Ever."

1. 65 Million BC

I think a giant meteorite striking earth and killing all of the dinosaurs and thousands of other species may be worse that 2016.

2. 79 BC

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius. It destroyed the city of Pompeii and killed an estimated 11,000 people. The volcanic eruption covered the city in 4-6 meters of ash and pumice.

3. 1349 AD

In my opinion, this year should really take the title of "The Worst Year Ever." This year was the year the Bubonic Plague, which ravaged the world. This strain of the plague killed over 1/3 of the world's population.

4. 1520

The pandemic of Old World diseases swept the New World killing 60- 90% of the Native Americans.

5. 1666 AD

London fell victim to the Black Death, a strain of the Bubonic Plague. The strain was started in 1665 but it was getting worse and worse in 1666. Then Sunday the 2nd of September, a fire caught. The London Fire blazed for four days and destroyed much of London. The upside to this year is the fire killed most of the mites, and rats that carried the plague.

6. 1914 AD

On June 28, the Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, sparking the beginning of World War One. Given the name, A War to End All Wars, it was characterised by trench warfare. "There are no atheists in the trenches" was a quote that allowed a glimmer of light into how hell-like war truly is.

7. 1935 AD

The Great Depression was full swing in the United States. The Dust Bowl was sweeping through the Midwestern part of the states making the days as dark as the nights. In Germany, the Jews are denied citizenship and forbidden from marrying "Aryans". Mussolini's Italian army invades Ethiopia.

8. 1938 AD

Unrest in Europe begins. 100,000 Jews marched out of Germany, into Poland. On November 9th the Night of Broken Glass occurs.Nazi troops loot and burn Jewish businesses. 91 Jews killed and at least 25,000 Jews arrested. Stalin orders the Great Purge in which 724,000 Soviet Citizens.

9. 1939 AD

The Second World War begins. Europe was thrown into war, with Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy at the head. The war casualties would end with Allied Powers suffering 6 million deaths and the Axis Powers losing 12 million lives.

10. 1940-1945 AD

You can pick a year in these five. In 1941 the Bombing of Pearl Harbor brought the United States into the war. These were the years where Jews were being slaughtered by the thousands in concentration camps. The Rape of Nanking occurred when Japan invaded China. Then to end WWII, the United States dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan.

11. 1965 AD

The United States launched operations in Vietnam, averaging 13 American deaths a day, over the span of the War. Race riots broke out across the United States, thousands of African Americans arrested and hundreds killed. Nigeria suffers through a power struggle, and massacres. In China, the Red Guard, with the support of Mao Tse-tung, declares they will be destroying old ideas. This leads to many book burnings, destruction of temples and murder of civilians.

12. 1994 AD

The Rwandan Genocide happens leaving over 500,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus dead. The Hutu lead government asked Hutu civilians to murder their Tutsi neighbors in service to the government. When the Tutsis reclaimed the government over 2 million Hutus fled Rwanda to the Congo.

12. 2001 AD

At 8:45 AM a plane struck the World Trade Center, a few minutes later another plane would hit the second tower. At 9:45 AM a third plane would crash into the Pentagon, killing 125 people in the building and all 62 passengers. At 10:10 civilians would reclaim a fourth plane that had been hijacked, but the plane would still crash, killing the 45 heroes aboard.

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