8. Go Talk To Your Professors | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

Upcoming Freshmen: Here's Some Things You Need To Know

Well for starters, GO TO CLASS.

Upcoming Freshmen: Here's Some Things You Need To Know

Yes, I know you are freshmen and you want to get your books right away, but it is perfectly okay to wait and see what your professor tells you that you need before heading to the bookstore.

1. Go To Class

Seriously cannot stress this enough. The first time you decide it's okay to skip is the last time you will see a perfect attendance score. Skipping class is one big rabbit hole that is hard to get out of. Just go to class and avoid the mishap all together!

2. Wait to order books

Yes, I know you are freshmen and you want to get your books right away, but it is perfectly okay to wait and see what your professor tells you that you need before heading to the bookstore.

3. The Writing Center

The Writing Center on campus has no other purpose than to help you. Take advantage of their services and you will find yourself making much higher grades in the English Department.

4. Gameday

WOO Gameday!! Saturdays in Davis Wade are some of the best. Whatever you do, try to experience it all and never miss a game. Feeling apart of a big team in maroon and white singing "Don't Stop Believing" in the 3rd quarter is a memory you'll never forget.

5. The MAFES Store

Yes! On campus, we have our own cheese, jelly, milk, meat, ice cream, and more store. When you go home, bring some to your family so they can see how great our agriculture department is.

6. Hail State Rewards

Set up your account and go to games! This will help your priority getting football tickets your sophomore year so be sure to check in and out of games and rack up those points.

7. Spend Flex Wisely

Flex dollars are great but use them wisely. Know when block meals can be used in the Union and take advantage of your meal plan. Off-Campus food is great, but on campus is already paid for.

8. Go Talk To Your Professors

I know this can be scary, but talking to your teacher and sharing your concerns about the class with them can help you do much better. Large lecture halls can be intimidating, but the class will be easier if you establish a relationship with your Professor.

9. The Buses

Download the Bully Walk app! It will show you where the busses are on campus, where they go, and more. It also is kind like google maps but for MSU. You can find any building on campus with a simple search! It even has dining location times and shows you what's open now if you are hungry.

10. Be Brave

Being away from home can be scary, but put yourself out there with your best foot forward and you are sure to have a great Freshman experience.

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