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Universal Studios Hollywood Rides: Ranked

Doing this before Super Nintendo World takes over

Universal Studios Hollywood Rides: Ranked
Disney Tourist Blog

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One thing about me, you can always find me at Universal Studios Hollywood.There is nowhere I enjoy being more than the park, and obviously, a huge part of that is the rides. Given the fact that I've been to the park upwards of a hundred times, I think I am qualified to rank the rides.

Revenge of the Mummy

the mummy tomb GIF by Warner ArchiveGiphy

Anyone (who's not boring) who has been to the Hollywood park can agree, Revenge of the Mummy is the best ride in the park. No ride goes as fast or has people screaming as loud as this one. The only downfalls with Revenge of the Mummy are how short the ride is, and how much of the line is outside and not in the themed building.

Jurassic World

chris pratt dinosaurs GIF by DiggGiphy

Let me just be clear, Jurassic World is my second least favorite line to stand in at the park, but the ride is so good that it makes up for the lack of theme and air conditioning. Nothing beats the drop at the end and getting soaked after a long, hot Los Angeles day.

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

harry potter quidditch GIFGiphy

Harry Potter has been my favorite thing since i could form opinions on film. The fact that a ride exists where i can walk through the castle before flying through it? Absolutely mind blowing. Anytime i’m in an off mood i find myself here. This ride makes me so happy.

Transformers: The Ride- 3D

transformers GIFGiphy

It took me years of coming to the park to finally ride Transformers: The Ride-3D, and now it’s a ride i never miss! I truly think the 3D effects are the best out of anywhere they’re used in the park, and i always have so much fun on this ride.

I am officially a freedom fighter.

The Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash

GIF by The Secret Life Of PetsGiphy

The Secret Life Of Pets: Off The Leash is the newest attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood, and in my opinion one of the cutest. The ride has a classic dark ride feel, where you sit in a car and it takes you through a storyline. If you’re bringing little ones to the park this is the perfect ride for them!

Kung Fu Panda Adventure

Feels Oh No GIF by DreamWorks AnimationGiphy

Nothing unlocks my inner child more than sitting in Dreamworks theater and seeing this 4D Kung Fu Panda movie. Everything about this ride feels like an escape from the hustle and bustle of the park, there is AC and the most incredible 360 degree screens you’ve ever seen.

Plus, having the magic mirror introduce the show is just the best.

Flight of the Hippogriff

Flying Harry Potter GIF by The Story RoomGiphy

Now hear me out, I love a good rollercoaster, but Flight of the Hippogriff is so incredibly short that I can't put it any higher. You are on this ride for less time than you're on The Mummy, which is saying something! The views at sunset of Hogwarts on this ride though are unbeatable.

Despicable Me Minion Mayhem

minions GIFGiphy

Despicable Me: MinIon Mayhem is the perfect ride for any kids you're bringing to the park. The line is adorably themed, and the ride itself is nothing crazy, just a simulator with bench seats that can fit four people. This isn't a ride I have to hit every time I come to the park, but whenever I do, I enjoy it.

The Simpsons Ride

homer simpson love GIFGiphy

For some reason The Simpsons ride always has one of the longest lines in the park, which makes no sense, because this ride feels very rundown, and the actual line to get to the ride is beyond boring. This is the only ride at the park i genuinely think could easily be replaced, anything else would be better.

Personally, I am campaigning for E.T

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