The United States Of Food Trucks
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The United States Of Food Trucks

We Are Currently In The Middle Of A Food Truck Revolution, And These 7 Food Trucks Around The Country Are Sure To Leave You Satisfied And Amazed.

The United States Of Food Trucks

The accessibility to hot, quick, and delicious food has characterized American food culture since the early 1900s with the creation of the fast-food industry. However, this trend of on-the-go, convenient food has recently shifted. Now, with a little bit of creativity, mobility, fresh ingredients, an entrepreneurial attitude, and some formidable cooking skills, anyone can open their own food truck. We are in the midst of the Food Truck Revolution, and, personally, I think it is one of the greatest food trends of all time.

The food industry has combined forces with the wheels industry, and conventional brick-and -mortar restaurants now have some stiff competition. While food trucks have been around for years, these four-wheeled compact "restaurants" have changed urban dining most recently in the past three years. This industry allows for a creative and unique menu, encourages entrepreneurship, and grants flexibility in location, all with very low-cost risks in comparison to a conventional restaurant.

Now, over three million food trucks exist in The United States! This means millions of chefs have complete culinary freedom and millions of happy-tummy customers.

Check out these seven food trucks that are doing it right in some of the country's major cities.

Sticky's Chicken:Houston, Texas

Follow: @stickyshouston for weekly schedule

Sticky's Chicken has been rated "The Best Wings in Houston" by the Houston Press. The owner turned a former hobby into a full-time business and has dominated the rising Houston food truck scene. Known for their sweet yet tangy Asian-fusion wings, you can expect nothing less than a mouth-watering, savory, crunchy chicken-eating experience. Favorites include original Sticky's Wings and Sticky's Chicken over Rice.

gastoPod: Miami, Florida

Follow: @gastopodmiami for location (primarily in Wynwood)

gastroPod offers a fusion of Carribbean and Latin Cuisine inspired cuisine. However, the menu is constantly evolving and offers a variety of on-the-go gourmet cuisine. Do not let their long lines keep you from trying fan-favorites, like their Old Dirt Dog: a smokey beef hot dog, with "stupid slaw", aged cheddar fondue, mustard, and mustard seed.

Captain Cookie and The Milkman: Washington,DC

Follow: @captaincookiedc for location and special menu additions.

Storefront: Foggy Bottom neighborhood

Calling all cookie and ice cream fans! Captain Cookie and The Milkman serves cookies with a hot crunchy outside but soft and gooey inside (baked in the truck), local creamery milk, and ready-to-scoop, homemade, creamy ice cream to The District's congressmen and children alike. Some argue that eating these cookies is a "presidential experience" because they are so incredibly rich and decadent. Their best-sellers include the original chocolate-chip cookie, and a build-your-own ice cream sandwich option.

Heirloom LA:Los Angeles, California

Follow: @HeirloomLa for more info on their menu, catering options, and truck location.

Heirloom LA remains a staple for health-conscious eaters in need of something fresh and local, yet tasty and enticing, fast. From tacos, salads, chocolate-hazelnut ganache brownies, and wild salmon, to their famous lasagna cupcake (pictured above), this farm-to-market food truck offers gourmet dishes to its customers in vibrant neighborhoods like Pasadena and Silverlake, all while supporting small, local farms and promoting food education.

Wafels & Dinges:New York, New York

Follow: @waffletruck for more information on truck location and store-front locations.

Fear no more: you no longer have to travel to Belgium to get authentic, crispy, buttery, and sweet waffles. Wafels & Dinges is a New York City favorite serving up drool-inducing scrumptious Belgian waffle options. These melt-in-your-mouth waffles can be paired with Nutella, Spekuloos spread, strawberries, bananas, ice cream, and more. The possibilities are endless. Savory waffles, like the BBQ Pulled Pork Wafel, endorsed by Al Rocker, also make this truck one of a kind.

East Side Kings:Austin,TX

Follow: @eastsidekings, 5 locations around Austin

East Side King is a favorite in The Lone Star capital. This vibrant, colorful, Asian-fusion food truck is impossible to miss. From hot and crispy chicken buns to deep-fried beet fries and beef tongue buns, East Side Kings offers unique dishes for exotic and daring eaters.

Giovanni's Shrimp Truck: Kahuku, HI

Follow: @giovannisshrimp, Two locations (Kahuku and Haleiwa)

Nothing says beach food like shrimp. Next time you vacation in Hawaii, you must grab a bite to eat at one of the island's best food trucks. Some argue that Giovanni's has some of the best shrimp they have ever had. Marinated in olive oil, lemon butter, and garlic, Giovanni's Shrimp Scampi is a go-to meal. Pair it with some fresh coconut water and an irresistible beach view, and eat away!

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