Dubious, appalling, outrageous and aggravating — the high street fashion chain is targeted with nearly every possible criticism. The “Unhate” campaign concept is imploring for attention and has caused United Colors of Benetton to be linked with not only clothes, accessories, and fashion overall but more adversely: Controversy.
United Colors of Benetton. Somewhere between these four words that make up the international clothing-retail brand, the word turbulent should be fitted in. The strategic usage of the daring ads has brought the brand under the microscope of attention.
The main intention of the “UnHate” slogan was to combat hatred and to raise awareness of key social issues. That being the official objective of the campaign the corporation went very provocative with their posters. Some of the scandalous images included the following:
• A taunting image of the Pope embracing Ahmed Mohamed el-Tayebwhich was immediately commented on by the Vatican as “totally unacceptable," following threats of using legal measures by the Vatican, resulting in a humiliating withdrawal of the image by the Benetton company.
• Another edgy ad included the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, kissing former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Similarly to the previously mentioned ad, the White House slammed the company with a critical response towards the picture of the two leaders kissing, mainly because they are in fact longtime adversaries but also considering that the White House has an abiding policy which states that the president’s name and likeness are not allowed to use for commercial purposes.
• Perhaps the most provocative ad of them all is the one depicting North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak caressing. The Benetton firm argues that they want to convey and create tolerance, even between enemies as these two. Perchance this ad had some effect on the two leaders after all, as the successor of Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un, has announced the necessity of better relations with South Korea.
United Colors has had a history of odd marketing strategies and “UnHate” fits perfectly into the ranks of their diverse operations. Today it is commonplace for companies to join the social cause bandwagon in pursuit of constructing good will. In contrast, the Italian firm has invariably stood for, advocated, and bolstered causes in which they believe as if they were carved in their DNA. The enterprise has engendered an identity of social responsibility, as they have portrayed themselves as social activists for a long time period.
Throughout many years Benetton have launched tenacious campaigns as well as put in motion programs to subvert stereotypes, protest against war, fight famine, and challenging the death penalty. The brand even promoted and encouraged entrepreneurialism in Africa.