Over the past few weeks I have found myself in a situation. I have a very bad cold. Yes, I know, I know, let the sympathies roll in. Even though I felt like I was coughing up a lung, and even though I still had to do some homework, I found myself with a lot of spare time on my hands and with out the ability to walk past the door of my bedroom. So, I turned towards movies. Here is my list of the ultimate sick day movies, in no particular order.
"The Blues Brothers"
Good music, car crashes and explosions. What more can you want when you can't leave your bed?
"The Three Musketeers"
This is a childhood favorite of mine. There's no fancy explosions or special effects, just a really good story and great acting.
I just have to include this one because it's one of my all time favorite movies, and I just love it.
" Shakespeare in Love"
As a writer, I just love this movie. It's a cute romance and it has Colin Firth, so that makes it perfect in my book.
"Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
I can't very well write a sick day movie list and not include this one. If you haven't seen it you must now, if you have then you know how amazing it is, and you probably already want to rewatch.