25 UD Alumni Share Their Worst First Date Stories
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25 UD Alumni Share Their Worst First Date Stories

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25 UD Alumni Share Their Worst First Date Stories

It's like Taylor Swift said: "It's gonna be forever, or it's gonna go down in flames." Sure, she was probably talking about long-term relationships, but sometimes things go south in a matter of seconds. Here's a collection of the best worst first date stories submitted by recent graduates of the University of Delaware.

"Within the first 20 minutes of the date, he proceeded to tell me about how his brother was in prison and used to steal his family's belongings to pawn for drug money. After that, I came to terms with the fact that I probably wasn't going to find my soulmate on Tinder." - Sarah, Class of 2016

"Went on a date with a guy and it was going great. Dinner went well and we got ice cream before going back to his place. Things were about to get ~steamy~ when he noticed my ear was bleeding. I had accidentally shoved my stud earring through my cartilage and couldn't get it out – it was stuck inside my ear. This ended with me sitting in his living room ripping shots of whiskey while he ripped it out of the back of my ear with his roommates pliers." - Tina, Class of 2016

"For our first date, we had dinner at Del Pez (he got mac & cheese and I got shrimp tacos). After that he drove us in his refurbished vintage Mustang out to the UD Creamery for dessert and we sat in his car to eat the ice cream and really got to know each other. Then we snuck over to the nearby barns to pet baby cows. Baby cows! So cute! That's when I decided to bring him back to my place. So we were chatting in my dorm room, and I decided I should probably freshen up before making the first move. As soon as those fluorescent bathroom lights hit me, I vomitted everywhere. A lot. Turns out I had gotten food poisoning from the shrimp tacos and it was BAD. I spent nearly 20 minutes in there because I couldn't stop throwing up no matter how hard I tried. I ended up having to kick him out of my dorm and spent the rest of the night leaning over the toilet. There was no second date." - Lukas, Class of 2016

"I grabbed a drink with a friend's roommate. We were sitting at the bar when one of his friends came over. My date introduced me as Nina.... my name is Maddy. The entire time we were out, he thought my name was Nina. I was Nina in a his phone. Who the heck is Nina!? It was a no-go from there." - Maddy, Class of 2016

"I got a little too tipsy and couldn't remember how to find the bathroom in his house so I had to pee in a Lowe's bag." - Maranda, Class of 2015

"I met a girl on Tinder and we immediately connected over the fact that we both appreciated sarcasm. After a week of talking, I asked her to meet me for dinner at a local, relatively nice, restaurant. She agreed and everything was going well until the waiter delivered our meals. As he turned away, I whispered to her 'I think he spat in your food,' thinking she would laugh at such an absurd remark. She didn't. She immediately jumped back yelling 'WHAT?!?' which caused the waiter to rush back to us. She turns to him and yells 'YOU SPAT IN MY FOOD?!?!' The three of us all kind of looked from one to the other for what was probably the longest few seconds of my life before I told her it was a joke. The waiter was not pleased, she was embarrassed, and my hamburger was well done. Needless to say, we never went back." - Chelle, Class of 2016

"We went to see a movie back when the Newark theater was still open. He was carrying the popcorn and I was carrying the two large fountain sodas. He held the door open for me but I guess not long enough because it sprung shut on me and smashed the sodas and popcorn into my chest. I was drenched with Dr. Pepper and so embarrassed. Let's just say I would have won wet t-shirt contest. We had to cancel the date right then and there so I didn't have to sit in the theater covered in soda for an hour and a half." - Emma, Class of 2014

"For some god awful reason I agreed to a Saturday morning brunch date. I showed up hungover as hell and was throwing up in my mouth every couple minutes and had a raging headache. She was really straight-laced and didn't sympathize at all. We didn't click and I never said yes to a Saturday morning date ever again." - Mikey, Class of 2015

"We went to DP Dough, but he had already eaten... So he just sat there while I ate. Should have been a red flag." - Emily, Class of 2016

"My senior year of college I lived alone with a puppy. One lovely night my friend and I went to the bar and after a few too many drinks I met a young lady who seemed to like me. We made our way back to my apartment to play with my puppy and some other activities. I woke up to the sound of my upstairs neighbors banging on my ceiling because my puppy was barking. I stumbled to go check on her and found her and the walls covered in her own diarrhea. In the midst of trying to clean the pup and my apartment, the girl in my bed decided to lock herself in my room and then leave. I walked into my room to find all of my blankets and sheets thrown everywhere and a wet bed (I think she peed the bed). Around 6AM when everything started to settle down, my friend from earlier showed up soaking wet and black out drunk. He passed out on my couch covered in mud and smelling like crap with my puppy on his lap. Only to find out a few hours later that he had also shit himself. By far the weirdest night of my life." - Auden, Class of 2015

"On my first date with my boyfriend of 5 years now, we went out on Yom Kippur so we were both going to fast the next day. I ate so much that I threw up on the side walk right after we left the restaurant." - Lindsay, Class of 2015

"Junior year. He said 'I love you' at the end of the first date (Rooney's). I said 'okay' and never texted him ever again." - Sarah, Class of 2014

"On one of my last nights during a UD Study Abroad, a bunch of friends and I went out to a little bar. I noticed a cute guy from across the room but chose not to do anything about it – I was skeptical because he was wearing a pink button down shirt (not my style). I had snuck a cheap wine juice-box into the bar so I didn't have to buy an expensive drink. When I blatantly started drinking the wine box out in the open, my friends frantically urged me to go to the bar, ask for a glass of water, and pour the wine into the glass. I carefully put the open wine box in my tiny purse and made my way over to the bar. Suddenly, the pink shirt guy came up and asked if he could buy me a drink. We started talking and 45 minutes later I finally confessed I had a cheap wine juice-box open in my purse and that's really why I was waiting at the bar. Luckily, he thought it was charming and we hung out in the bar together for the rest of the night. We went back to his place, had some fun, etc. I woke up at 7AM to a girl, whose room he was subletting, returning to town earlier than expected to get something from her stuff. I pretended to sleep as she rummaged in the night stand right next to my head. She left with a slam of the door. It didn't really bug me until I found out that a few days later she yelled at him and demanded he buy her a new queen-size mattress because she couldn't bear to sleep on that one anymore." - Edie, Class of 2015

"A girl and I drove to the park for the sunset and then ended up hooking up in my car. It was dark before we knew it. Suddenly, a bright light lit up my entire car from outside, following was a police officer knocking on my window. I rolled down the window and he actually thought I kidnapped the girl. He asked us both questions about if anyone was missing and then he checked the radio and records to verify no one was kidnapped. We ended up being told it was illegal to be in public parks past dusk and he let us go." - Vaughn, Class of 2016

"We planned to go to dinner so I thought I would be safe taking a laxative a couple hours before so I didn’t look pregnant for our first date. He texted me saying he was on his way and literally two minutes later, the laxative started kicking in. I began panicking which only made it worse. I managed to keep it together and act normal for the first hour but then I ran to the bathroom and shit hit the fan. I felt as if I witnessed an actual crime scene." - Christina, Class of 2015

"Honestly, it was terrible. When he picked me up he literally said 'I'm gonna get nasty with that, aren't I?' He was instantly dead to me. When we got to the dinner place I told him I had to leave. I had my sister call me and everything." - Brit, Class of 2015

"I was on a Summer Study Abroad and met this guy on Tinder. After a couple days of chatting, we decided to meet up in town and just hang out – nothing serious since I would be leaving in a couple weeks. I got to the pub first, and he told me to just order without him because he was running a little late. He got there just before my giant plate of fries and a burger with a beer on the side arrived. The waiter asked if he wanted anything and that was when he decided to tell me he couldn't eat anything since it was Ramadan. So he just sat there and watched me drink my beer and eat an absurd amount of food. Never have I ever had a conversation with as many awkward pauses as he just stared around the room waiting for me to finish chewing." - Danielle, Class of 2014

"I went out with this guy once and all he did was talk about his ex and the pros and cons of being with her. Literally the whole time. The entire time we were out, I was begging for it to be over. All I could do was smile, nod, and avoid a second date." - Paige, Class of 2016

"I was dropping her off at her car after our first date. I started leaning in to kiss her and didn't realize I didn't put the car in park. I had to slam the break before I hit the car in front of me. The moment was completely ruined so then I just hugged her goodbye." - Jake, Class of 2016

"The summer before coming to UD, I was part of that UD Class page. A guy liked one of my comments and then sent me a fb request and we began our whirlwind romance via text, fb, and snapchat. The first weekend we got to school, we decided to go on a date. I told him to pick the place, since I knew nothing of Main Street, and he picked Cheeburger. So I get there and he goes straight in for a really awkward hug that lasted longer than acceptable. We sit down to order and I'm reading the menu and notice they cook everything in peanut oil, which was printed pretty large on their menu. At this point he tells me he is deathly allergic to peanuts and does not have his EpiPen on him. We decide to stay and he will just get a salad. He mentions that I shouldn’t get anything with peanuts because then I could kill him 'when we makeout later tonight.' Now this was very forward, considering we were only 10 minutes into the date and I was still recovering from the world’s longest hug. So I begrudgingly got a salad. At the end of the meal, he decided to steal the mason jar glasses from the table, because 'he deserved them.' Two years later I was at a party with his fraternity, and I told my best friend that the guy I went on an awkward date with my freshman year was here. It turned out that in my group of friends at the party, 4 out of 7 of us had gone out with this guy freshman year and had a really awkward experience." - Alisha, Class of 2016

"Sophomore year I went on a date with a grad student to Chipotle and then he came back to my dorm after to hang out. We were sitting and watching a movie on my computer and I had my texts show up on my computer and I forgot to mute them. My roommate texted me asking if we were going to have sex or if she could come back to our dorm. He saw it and just acted like he didn't." - Lindsey, Class of 2016

"One time I went on a first date. It was cool – we got some pizza. But this guy Ben crashed it, so the girl didn't even think it was a date. Talk about awkward when I asked her on a 2nd date, and she thought it was a first date." - Bobby, Class of 2015

"I tried sleeping over his house after the date, but my dad caught me. I lied and said I was sleeping over my friend Becca's house. He threatened that he was coming to look for me so I had to rush to Becca's at 2AM and was banging on her door for like an hour. I got grounded." - Kristen, Class of 2014

"I went out with a guy who really wasn't that cute – but he was a sweetheart, so I gave him a chance. We met at the mall to hang out one weekend... Now, this was around the time skinny jeans were the thing. This guy was not built to wear skinny jeans at all. Even so, he still managed to find a pair; along with a shmedium sized t-shirt that he stuffed himself into. At this point I was wondering how I got myself into this, but I'm a nice person so I gave it a chance. I leaned in to give him a hug, and his armpit was right at my shoulder level. His armpit touched my shoulder. And it was WET. Very WET. I hate armpits the way some people freak out about toes. His armpits were so wet, that I had to wipe off my shoulder when he wasn't looking. I was traumatized. After that, I knew it wasn't going to work out." - Brianna, Class of 2016

"I met a guy from Tinder a couple months ago named Geoff (hate when it's spelled like that lol). I didn't even plan on hanging out with him. I was just sitting in Deer Park bored. He lives in Wilmington and goes to school there. Anyway, he drove to Deer Park where I met him for the first time. His friend was in the front seat & Geoff was driving. He didn't even get out of the car I just got in with my friend. He ends up meeting up with friends and did some Coke... My friend was like considering doing it too and I was like nah girl I've never done that before not today lol. So then he drives us to Philly and we go to a bar there. When we left, we had to find the car for like 45 minutes because we had no idea where we parked. We ended up driving all the way back home (Newark) from Philly and I'm sure Geoff was drunk and high so I don't know why I left with him. It was just such an awful first time meeting someone." - Kristie, Class of 2014

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