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8 People You Will Meet At A College Bar No Matter Where You Go To School

Chances are you have been one of these people while at the bar.

8 People You Will Meet At A College Bar No Matter Where You Go To School

If you go to a college with a "bar scene", you will easily be able to point out each of these types of people while at the bars -- or you just might be that person. Test it for yourself, the next time you hit the bars, try and spot these 8 types of people:

1.  The freshman who you are shocked even got in 

I mean not only did the height and baby face give it away that they are totally underage, but the outfit gets me every time. How'd he get past the bouncer with Nike socks and Sperry's on?

2. The birthday girl 

She's wearing a tiara or sash and drinking free drinks – if you couldn't tell, it is her birthday.

3. Brad or Chad

You know the guy I am talking about – he is telling anyone who will listen about the epic pre-game he threw at his house and is probably talking to freshman girls.

4. The rowdy girl 

She is having just as much fun as the birthday girl, but without the tiara and sash – she's loud, she's dancing, and she's yelling "shots!"

5. The guy with the open tab 

Orders anyone he meets a drink and puts it on his tab. Whether he is trying to impress a girl or his friends, he will not be impressed when he wakes up tomorrow and looks at his bank account.

6. The really, really drunk girl 

This girl, you probably met in the bathroom or at the bar ordering more shots. She can't walk straight and her slightly-less-drunk friends are trying to help her. She'll say "I am not even drunk" as she stumbles on to the dance floor.

7. The kid who knows the bouncer 

Forget being ID'd – this kid comes to the bar so often he skips the line and fist pumps the bouncer on the way in.

8. The mom

Do you need a hair-band? Band-aid? Water? This girl has got you covered. She can be found struggling to keep her really, really drunk friend from doing something stupid.

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