Trump Administration Sadly Strips Michelle Obama’s Education Initiative of Its Title
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Trump Administration Sadly Strips Michelle Obama’s Education Initiative of Its Title

Why the possible termination of the "Let Girls Learn" Program is so disheartening

Trump Administration Sadly Strips Michelle Obama’s Education Initiative of Its Title

Amidst the anger and confusion some are feeling in light of the House's recent health-care bill, I thought it might be important to leave a final note on the second disappointing decision made by the U.S. Congress last week. It seems that every few days we are ambushed with new headlines of another questionable legislation passed or created by the Trump Administration, with each fresh controversy burying the last. Earlier this week, White House representatives announced the de-branding and possible termination of an educational program for female adolescents. The “Let Girls Learn” initiative was created by former first lady, Michelle Obama, with the hopes of helping girls overcome the many challenges they endure in obtaining an education in developing countries.

An education is an essential component in fulfilling one’s potential for moral, social and intellectual growth. Consequently, part of this program's mission is to alter common perceptions of the value girls hold “at the individual, community, and institutional levels.” To pursue and hopefully achieve this goal, an increase in educational programs is imperative. This initiative strives to help girls believe in themselves, and to empower adolescents to realize the extraordinary contributions they can make in their own communities.

By bringing together a variety of groups such as the Peace Corps and the U.S Agency for International Development, Let Girls Learn has made significant progress in elevating and providing funding to existing projects with similar goals and ambitions. In addition, Let Girls Learn has devoted its own resources to spreading awareness about the need for institutional change on this matter. They hope to emphasize that solutions to the plethora of problems girls undergo in completing their educations must be systematic and law-based. Through Let Girls Learn, these programs and important dialogues have been implemented and orchestrated worldwide by Peace Corps volunteers and are received by over a dozen countries.

The Trump administrations’ decision to downgrade and remove the title of this influential program is not only discouraging but also profoundly difficult to understand. As noted by Tina Tchen, who served as Chief of Staff in the Obama Administration, “this is an issue with bipartisan support, it’s really not a republican or democratic issue" (reported by Betsy Klein). One would hope that aiding girls in receiving education, something so significant in their development, would be a shared goal among those in the White House. However, with this recent choice, it appears that the priorities of the Trump administration lie elsewhere.

CNN reported a quote by White House Spokeswoman, Kelly Love, in which she stated, “There have been no changes to the program.” Though she makes this claim on the grounds that Peace Corps volunteers will continue to administer these procedures and emphasize the importance of girls’ education, CNN also reported that an email was sent to administrators announcing the end of the initiative through the removal of it's name from all it's current programs. The de-branding of this initiative means that the name “Let Girls Learn” will cease to be promoted and could lose funding, even if it’s functions continue to be carried out for some time.

To add to the confusion, the “Let Girls Learn” program has already received significant donations and funding through the private sector and various groups. Upon its start in 2011 it was granted 5 million dollars from the private sector and by 2016 had accumulated over 500 million dollars through commitments from International and American organizations. In 2016, the Peace Corps announced an expansion of the initiative's activities to be distributed to 35 Countries. Its influence is felt worldwide, through the construction of schools, institutional change, and the spreading of ideas. This program is well-funded, and strives to empower adolescent girls to see the value of an education while learning their own self-worth in the process. There seems to be no rational reasoning in the decision to terminate the use of its well-known name, which could have dire consequences down the road. The loss of this initiative's title is not only disheartening for those of us constantly plagued with uncertainty regarding our current leaders, but also for those who hope to benefit from this programs positive influence in the future.

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