The 10 Most Trending Moments Of 2015 | The Odyssey Online
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The 10 Most Trending Moments Of 2015

What a time to be alive.

The 10 Most Trending Moments Of 2015

From celebrity feuds to celebrity breakups, 2015 was a memorable year in pop culture. Let's take a look at the most noteworthy moments of them all.

1. “Miley, what’s good?!”

The public feud between Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj left mouths agape and eyes wide open.

Nicki: “When the 'other' girls drop a video that breaks records and impacts culture they get that nomination. If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies, you will be nominated for vid of the year.”

Miley: “What I read sounded very Nicki Minaj, which, if you know Nicki Minaj is not too kind. It’s not very polite. I think there’s a way you speak to people with openness and love.”

*cue VMA’s onstage nightmare*

2. Justin Bieber’s comeback.

Bieber’s return to the music world after a three year hiatus came with overwhelming responses and multiple records broken. After having a rough and controversial couple of years, this comeback couldn’t have come at a better time. Let’s just hope he doesn’t make any more reasons to apologize.

3. Zayn Malik leaving One Direction.

Breaking the hearts of thousands of Directioners, Zayn Malik and One Direction made headlines when they announced their separation. Personally, I was acting as if a member had died. However, the remaining members of the boy band handled the situation very well and continued with their music, making another album and going on tour, before announcing their hiatus. It was a sad year for Directioners.

4. Kim naming her son Saint, and using emojis for his birth announcement.

Kim always knows how to surprise the public. With the arrival of her second child came the rather creative, or crazy, depending on how you look at it- announcement of his name. Saint West and his emoji-filled birth announcement on Twitter is definitely one for the books. Let’s hope he can live up to the Yeezus phenomenon.

5. The lack of love in the celeb world.

Ben and Jen. Miranda and Blake. Kourtney and Scott. Gigi and Joe. Emma and Andrew. Zayn and Perrie.

The heartbreaking list seems endless, calling 2015 the year of breakups.

6. Drake’s debut in choreography.

Enough said, right?

7. Drake vs. Meek Mill.

It all started when Meek Mill did the worst thing imaginable: he called out Drake for not writing his own raps. *GASP*

A flurry of other rapper’s and music producer’s tweets followed in response, along with freestyles between the two artists, resulting in humiliation on Meek Mill’s part.

Drake: 1; Meek Mill: 0

8. Adele’s return.

Hello, it’s Adele. The British singer’s release of her single “Hello” left the world in tears- and an opportunity to create an abundance of memes based off of the famous opening line. Her beautiful ballad was a jumpstart for her highly anticipated album, 25.

9. Lamar’s close call.

In October, the former NBA player was found unconscious in a Las Vegas brothel after days of partying. He was transported to a hospital where he remained in a coma for almost three days due to a drug overdose. He is currently undergoing therapy and has a difficult road to recovery.

10. Caitlyn Jenner.

Formerly known as Bruce Jenner, Caitlyn underwent a very personal transition in a very public way. Already being on a reality show with the Kardashian family gave Caitlyn a platform to speak out for the transgender community.

2015 was quite a year in the celeb world. Let's hope 2016 is just as entertaining!

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