10 Toys From the 90s You Wish You'd Have Owned
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10 Toys From the 90s You Wish You'd Have Owned

Because your childhood definitely would have been better with these.

10 Toys From the 90s You Wish You'd Have Owned

If you're anything like me, then the 90's and early 2000's hold a very dear place in your heart. Get ready to be hit with a massive tsunami of nostalgia as we count down the top 10 toys you always wish you had!

10. Super Soaker

Summertime was changed forever when Super Soakers were invented. Water guns would never be the same. I still keep one in my beach bag for surprise attacks because twelve-year-old me would be so disappointed if I didn't at least try to keep the 90's alive.

9. Furbies

The sensation known as Furbies created a phenomenon, unlike any other. They hit the shelves and would be sold out within hours. You could even teach them to interact with your best friend's limited edition pastel Furby, that you secretly wished your dad would've bought on the Furby black market (for five times the original price). But who's holding grudges?

8. Razor Scooter

We all knew if you didn't have a Razor Scooter, then you didn't quite make the label "cool kid" at school. Which would usually be totally fine, except even your little cousin had one and still managed to make it look cool, despite her knee pads, elbow pads, and helmet.

7. Lite Brite

Every single one of my friends had a Lite Brite, most of them would end up losing all the tiny pieces to the vacuum cleaner (me included). But that didn't stop our parents from buying the pricey replacement packs.

6. Tamagotchi

Admit it, you always envied the responsible kid who never forgot to feed their Tamagotchi, and somehow raised a senior level pet. This cult-like keychain taught kids how to routinely care for a pet, especially if it was an adorable computer one.

5. Talkboy/Talkgirl

What's more fun than recording your mom having a meltdown and replaying it in slow motion for the entire family to hear over and over again all the way to the grocery store? The answer is nothing.

4. Easy-Bake Oven

It didn't matter if you were a boy or a girl when the Easy-Bake Oven came out everyone was ready to make some delicious baked goods. The best thing about this toy? It could genuinely make you believe you were making cookies on par with Martha Stewart.

3. Bop It

Bop It helped shape some of today's most concentrated members of society. Basically, a Simon-says for your hands. Waiting your turn was painfully agonizing.

2. Pokemon Cards

If you weren't trading Pokemon cards in elementary school, what were you even doing? Every single kid in the early 2000's had a prized binder full of their favorite holographic cards. It didn't matter if you knew how to play it or not, just show me your collection of legendary Pokemon.

1. Gameboy

The Gameboy was a literal game changer when it entered the scene. Suddenly kids could escape their annoying siblings to enter a world of 8-bit magic. Little-to-nothing could compare to the epic excitement Gameboy brought nerds around the globe.

I can honestly say that I'm happy to have grown up in a time that had the most extra toys. My only regret is never actually owning a Gameboy to have wild Pikachu's appear spontaneously.

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