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11 Topics No One Should Joke About

It's one thing to poke at yourself or at someone with their consent, but it is another thing to be rude.

11 Topics No One Should Joke About

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Here in 2019, there is often a debate of what is acceptable to joke about and what isn't acceptable. There is a lot of controversy surrounding it, but if it is something sensible to the person that the joke is being told to, you should ask for consent. Some, however, are off-topic unless specifically given the okay by friends that are affected by it to talk about it around them. So here are 11 topics no one should really joke about.


Don't ever joke about rape, this includes false rape allegations. If someone opens up to you about it, don't joke about it because it is an awful thing and I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Your "joke" could make them hate you and possibly add to their trauma.


Abuse can be in many different ways, physical, mental, psychological, and emotional. Don't joke about someone's abuse, it is flat out disrespectful and makes you look like a jerk. Like rape, your "joke" could add to the trauma and they'll remember it.

Terminal Illnesses

It is bad enough that someone will die because of an illness. Don't make fun of someone because they are dying, death is scary for most people and you don't want to add to the fear and pain they are going through. Also, don't make fun of children with terminal illnesses either because it makes you a bigger jerk.


People didn't choose their race (unless you're like the crazy German model, if so then seek help). No race is inferior to another if anything race is another thing that makes us all unique. If some makeup companies can see that race makes unique and create shades for every skin tone with a decent formula, that would be amazing.


I get it we all don't believe in the religion and that is what makes us unique. However, it is no excuse to ridicule someone because they may not be the same religion. I understand that everyone has a different viewpoint on other religions, but please keep it to yourself. Making fun of religions is not a joke, but it is disrespect.

Mental Illnesses/Trauma/Self Harm

Don't joke about this because this can be a result of the abuse they have gone through in their lives. Don't assume everyone has to act like insane all the time either because that is not true. Everyone has their own set of symptoms based on the past and coping skills they have learned. Don't joke about because it makes you a jerk or unsympathetic to those suffering. Also, don't make fun of ant physical scars because that is just awful


Everyone comes from different countries and have different traditions. America is a melting pot full of other cultures. my thing is as long as it does not hurt anyone, it should be left alone, and should not be joked about at all because it is apart of identities of many people all over the world.

Family Situations

Most families are in untraditional situations, such as being divorced, have combined families or being raised by relatives. You don't know their stories, and it should not be fun of because some of these families spent thousands of dollars to keep their family together, it may be untraditional, but it works.

Sexual Orientation

People can't choose who they love, yes some people may not agree with it but keep your mouth shut. It is not hurting anyone (unless children that can't give consent are involved). Yes, they are "aware of the mistake they are making," which they aren't making a mistake unless they aren't following their heart. Love is love, and no one can change that.


Don't make fun of someone's disability because they didn't choose it. No one said, "hey I want to get hit by a drunk driver and be paralyzed for the rest of my life." No one asked to be born with disabilities either, they want to live a normal life like the rest of us. Don't pick on their obstacles, but rather celebrate their successes.


They are small, they can't defend themselves because they are little, don't be mean because they learn from adults and you could damage them. Just because you hate their parents does not mean you can hate their kids (unless they do sometimes bad, but even then don't go hardcore on them). So leave the kids out of adult games (drama) unless they willingly enter into it.

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