10. "Hell’s Kitchen" | The Odyssey Online
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16 Must-Watch Shows You can Find On Hulu This Summer

Because Netflix is too basic.

16 Must-Watch Shows You can Find On Hulu This Summer

In no particular order this is just a list of some of the best shows on Hulu right now. Most of these have no relation but their all amazing.

1. "Grey's Anatomy"


Ok this one is obvious - who doesn't love this drama filled medical show? Meredith is my soul mate, tbh.

2. "The Good Doctor"


Might as well get all the medical shows out of the way, but this show portrays a disabled surgeon and is extremely inspiring.

3. "9-1-1"


Thks show embodies the life of a fire station and a central dispatch employee who works her way into the heart of one of the first responders

4. Any of the "Chicago" shows


Honestly, I have only seen a handful of episodes but this is my boyfriend's absolute favorite, and I trust his opinion, although he does say that "Chicago Fire" is his favorite.

5. "Catfish"


Because what's better than watching people get called out on their BS - although some of these cases work out.

6. "Cutthroat Kitchen"


I'm a sucker for cooking competition shows, and Alton Brown makes this one my fave.

7. "Drake and Josh"


We all love a classic throwback. Who doesn't love this show about a dumb brother and a smart step brother?

8. "American Dad"


Honestly, this raunchy show will always be a favorite.

9. "Bob's Burgers"


My love for this show is unbelievable. Honestly, Linda and Bob's relationship reminds me of my own.

10. "Hell’s Kitchen"


Yes, another cooking show, but who doesn't love Gordon Ramsay and watching a bunch of chefs almost crap their pants.

11. "Forensic Files"

I couldn't find a Giphy soooooo here's a cat. Go watch this show, though.


Reliving and solving true murders? I think yes. Who doesn't love a good true crime show?

12. "The Simpsons"


A show which people are yellow is honestly the funniest thing to me. I grew up watching this show and still will continue to watch.

13. "Nightwatch"


Watching the public safety of New Orleans at work is freaking amazing, granted I love EMS and watching them do their work.

14. Rick and Morty


Who doesn't love Pickle Rick?

15. "Kitchen Nightmares"


Yet again, Gordon Ramsay is screaming at people who don't know how to cook.

16. "Awkward"


Who else remembers MTV's blog-revolved show where Jenna can't make up her mind and her mom basically tells her to kill herself?

Hopefully, no matter what type of tv shows you like, you found something new.

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