The Top Seven Actors to Play 007
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The Top Seven Actors to Play 007

Who I think should be the next James Bond

The Top Seven Actors to Play 007
Universal Exports

The spy movie genre has one of the largest selection of films, but there has always been one particular agent of espionage that draws the most interest and intrigue. While remembered as a film icon, Bond was originally the protagonist of a very successful series of fourteen books by the late author Ian Fleming. It was in 1962’s Dr. No that 007 got his cinematic debut, and that, just like his signature self-introduction, is history. With 24 movies to date, including last year’s "Spectre," James Bond is now a legendary character and remains relevant in today’s theaters. One thing that will not remain, however, is the actor who will play the character. Daniel Craig, after 4 outings with MI6, has said that he doesn’t think he’ll return for the milestone 25th film, and so the internet has gone crazy ever since with “dream castings” and even a little tilt toward social issues. Below are the seven (see what I did there?) most popular candidates and my thoughts on each option.

Michael Fassbender

Mainly known as being Magneto in the recent X-Men films, his Oscar-nominated role as Edwin Epps in 12 Years a Slave, and a select few others, Fassbender has been in the mainstream for the past five years or so. With chops for action sequences, dramatic scenes, and the quick quip, Fassbender is yet another perfect fit for the role. With no big contracts signed yet after finishing X-Men: Apocalypse, Fassbender has a low downside from what I can see, and he is my personal favorite for the role.

Idris Elba

Definitely the most talked about option, the suave and very classy Elba brings just about everything that we have become accustomed to Bond having. There is, however, a few negative signs for this pick. This choice, as you can tell from the picture above, would mean that 007 would be played by an African American actor, and so there is some controversy over this potential pick. Also, at 43 years old, Elba is also a little too old for the role. I personally think he could bring something great to the character, but his age and the guts needed by the producers to cast him combine to make it a tough choice.

Henry Cavill

Apparently the same actor is allowed to play two of the most iconic characters (Bond and Superman). After his 2015 British spy film The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Cavill was then entered into the conversation of playing another spy for Her Majesty. He does have a great build, a witty personality, and definitely a slick look, so he fits the traditional attributes of Bond. The aforementioned fact that he is Superman could be the deciding factor in this casting, as the potential of balancing the two hefty roles could deter Cavill.

Tom Hardy

One of the hottest commodities on the minds of casting departments across Hollywood, Hardy being in the conversation is not a surprise in the slightest. Fans lauded Daniel Craig for making Bond more edgy and gritty, and casting Tom Hardy next would take the character deeper into this idea. Is James Bond a brawler or a debonair gentleman? I think this question will make producers uneasy, and Hardy will go back in his place at the movie awards seasons of the foreseeable future.

Damian Lewis

Star of the TV show Homeland, Damian Lewis has a real muscle and power behind him that could be great for the next Bond. With a great look and a worthy resume, Lewis certainly has potential. But at 45 years old, Lewis is in the same boat as Elba in terms of the uneasiness of an older 007. On a personal note however, he would be the first redhead/ginger Bond, and as a redhead myself I would thoroughly enjoy it if he was cast.

Benedict Cumberbatch

With an A-list career and a one-of-a-kind look, Cumberbatch is a no-brainer when casting the most well-known Brit in terms of movie characters. I can’t quite put it to words, but he just doesn’t fit the character enough. I guess the best I could say is that he doesn’t have the aura about him that 007 carries. Also, at the helm of new Marvel film this year, Doctor Strange, Cumberbatch might get tied up in contract clauses resulting in simple unavailability.

Tom Hiddleston

Known mostly for playing Loki in the Thor and Avengers films, Hiddleston has proven that he has the acting chops for a Bond casting. While talented in both drama and action, Hiddleston doesn’t quite have the manly look and muscle about him that we have come to expect from our Bonds.

With no clear front-runner for the lead role, the next James Bond film is still in the developing stages of production. Regardless of who gets cast to play the most famous spy in cinematic history, I have reasonably high expectation from the next installment, especially after the "so-so" film of Spectre. Who do you think should be cast out of the seven listed above? Is there someone who I haven't listed that you think should replace Daniel Craig? Comment below and share this post with your pick!

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