5 Apps You Should Use Daily In College | The Odyssey Online
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5 Apps You Should Use Daily In College

Cruise through your week with these useful and simple apps.

5 Apps You Should Use Daily In College

College is all about multitasking our social, personal and work life. Maintaining a balance can be tough because some days will be successful and some the absolute worst. So, what better to help organize ourselves with some useful and handy apps? Here are the top 5 apps you need to stay planned and stress-free!

1. Pzizz-Sleep, Nap, Focus (4.7 stars)

This app is the best thing that has happened to me. Pzizz is an app which consists of music, sounds and voiceovers to help relax, sleep, and stay focused. If you want to sleep better at night or take refreshing naps during the day, then this is the app for you!

Every time you use the app, it creates a unique session for you, with multiple sound effects to choose from, which means it is easily customizable and enables a relaxing and personalized listening experience. The sounds are very comforting, and you won’t even realize how quick you will zone out! College can be stressful, however, it shouldn’t affect your good sleeping habits. So, stop stressing and start relaxing.

2. Quizlet (4.4 stars)

Quizlet is a fantastic app to help practice and learn better while you’re studying. Create our own flashcards/study sets to test your memory, writing and listening skills. You can customize them with different languages, images and play games to make studying less of a chore and more a fun activity.

Not only that, you can share your study sets with others s and find millions more created by other students. I am grateful for quizlet because it saved my high school grades. (for real though). For classes such as science/math, I used quizlet to help me memorize facts and differentiate between what I already know and what I don’t. So, you can thank me later when you're crushing those tests and exams.

3. Grammarly Keyboard (4.4 stars)

Now, if you already don’t have Grammarly, you need to download it right now. Grammarly is an app that automatically detects grammar, spelling error, word choice and style mistakes we all make when writing. Not only that, Grammarly can also detect plagiarism.

The app will ensure your writing is error-free, clear and simple. Grammarly helped me immensely in high school for my language and literature class. So, when your schedule’s tight and you don’t have time to go the writing center, Grammarly will be your best friend.

4. Rate My Professors (4.3 stars)

So, I can confirm that I live under a rock because I have never heard of this app, until a few weeks ago. It is exactly what the title says- get the classes you want with great professors. Search a professor’s name to compare their ratings, difficulty level, reviews and classroom performance so you can make the best decision for your classes.

Simply enter in your school, major or interests to find results you want. When you’re selecting classes for the new semester, you can be sure of which professor’s class you want to be in.

5. Flora-Focus, Study, Forest 2 (4.6 stars)

I think we can all relate when we need to focus but we just can’t put our phones down. I am very guilty of this because I am addicted to snapchat and watching clips of the show KUWTK on Instagram. Whenever you don’t use your phone, you can plant a seed and see it gradually grow into a tree.

However, if you can’t resist, then the tree will be killed. Due to this, Flora will motivate you to stop procrastinating, complete your goals and track your everyday progress. Hmm, need more motivation? Well, you can use money as an incentive by being willing to pay an amount to help plant a real tree on earth.

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