The Top 20 Characters In Television
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The Top 20 Characters In Television

A list of my personal favorite fictional characters of all time!

The Top 20 Characters In Television

Let it be known that I watch entirely too much TV. That being said, I like to think that I have pretty good taste when it comes to shows. Of course, certain shows appeal to certain people for different people, but just in case you happened to be looking for something new to start, here's my list of my top 20 favorite characters in television. I know there's probably some super important character that I missed, but this is my immediate list. Maybe in the future, I'll do a part two. Now, because I'm an equal opportunist, I chose ten female characters and ten male characters. I also decided to only pick one character (for each gender) from a show, meaning there will only be one male and one female from each TV show. I did this because I started making my list and I realized I would hit 20 characters extremely fast if I let myself take more than one character for each section, so I limited myself. Again, I know there are dozens of great characters I didn't add, but here's my list for my favorite characters in television!

Also let it be known that these are my personal favorites and I only chose from TV shows I watch myself!



+1.Sherlock Holmes - Sherlock (2010-Present)

Played by the incredible Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock Holmes falls into my bonus category. A high functioning sociopath working as a consultant with Scotland Yard, Sherlock is as antisocial as he is condescending. That being said, his relationship with his best friend and roommate, John Watson, is one of the few redeeming things about him. Sherlock is incredibly aware of how smart he is and often looks down on other people, but John manages to mellow him out just enough to be likeable. He's a narcissist who thinks everyone is beneath him, but he continues to help solve murders and protect the world from his nemesis, Moriarty. Sherlock is a quick thinker and just when you think he can't be any smarter, he proves you wrong. Sherlock is one of the smartest people on my list today, if not the smartest, but since his IQ was never canonically written, people can only speculate.

Benedict Cumberbatch:

10.Killian Jones / Captain Hook - Once Upon A Time (2011-Present)

I never knew I was into guyliner and leather until this show. Once Upon A Time revolves around a fictional town called Storybrooke that is full of fairy tale characters, including one Captain Hook, played by the ever-so-sexy Colin O'Donoghue. On the show however, he was given an actual name: Killian Jones. Killian originally started off as a bad guy on the show (hello, he's Hook!), but after a season or two, he turned into the loveable hero that capture the hearts of millions. Killian is sexy and clever, using his charms and looks to achieve his goals. Eventually, he stopped being so self-involved and started caring for others. He fell in love with the main character of the show, Emma Swan (look out for her later on!) and the two began a loving relationship and the audience was gifted with the sight of a caring boyfriend in black liner and leather jackets. I don't think I know a single person who doesn't like Hook.

Colin O'Donoghue:

9.Barry Allen / The Flash - The Flash (2014-Present)

Yay, more leather! Meet Barry Allen, played by the adorable Grant Gustin, is the main character of the CW's The Flash, based off of the DC Comic of the same name. Barry Allen is a CSI for the Central City Police Department and on the day a particle accelerator explodes, he is struck by lightning and given the gift of super speed--making him "the fastest man alive". Barry then embarks on a journey to save his city from other metahumans (people who were also hit by the particle accelerator blast and given abilities) while also hiding his identity from those around him. Barry goes through a lot on the show: his father was wrongly accused of murdering Barry's mother, he's in love with his best friend Iris (look for her later!)but when he wakes up from the coma he was in for nine months she's already in a relationship, then he meets the man who actually killed his mother, and has to save the city multiple times. He's flawed, but is never once portrayed as being perfect: Barry's snarky and he gets jealous, but he's got a heart of gold. Barry is one of the most loveable characters on my list because he's a superhero with a sense of humor and never backs down from a challenge. He's funny and smart and the audience can't help but fall in love with him.

Grant Gustin:

8.Phil Coulson - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (2013-Present)

Anyone who saw The Avengers was upset when Coulson was killed. After being stabbed through the heart by Loki, the Asgardian trickster god, the MARVEL cinematic universe thought that was the end of Phil Coulson. THINK AGAIN, MARVEL. After a series of unbelievable campaigns, Phil Coulson was inevitably brought back to life by the sheer support of the fans. After they launched the campaign #CoulsonLives, MARVEL really had no choice but to bring him back to life--and with his own TV show, no less. Coulson is one of the highest ranking members in SHIELD (the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division), second only to Nick Fury himself. Coulson puts together a team of agents to help save the world from the unknown. Coulson is strong, smart, and sarcastic. He deals out jokes with the best of them, but he also loves his team with his whole heart and isn't afraid to kick a little ass. The relationships he form on the show really speak wonders to his character without giving away his air of mystery. His deadpan humor has made me tear up with laughter at times, and his stern/gentle/fatherly nature with his team makes me love him even more.

Clark Gregg:

7. Arthur Pendragon - Merlin (2008-2012)

I STILL CRY EVERY DAMN TIME. Arthur Pendragon, played by Bradley James, is one of my favorite characters of all time. Based off of the tale of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Merlin follows the life of a young sorcerer by the same name and his relationship with his master, Prince Arthur Pendragon. Arthur starts off as a bit of a prick, but after a few episodes, the audience comes to realize that it's all a persona that he puts on (for the most part, anyway). Sure, he's still a bit egocentric, but all he wants to do is make his land safe and good for his people. He's not the smartest book-wise, but he knows people and he never likes seeing people upset or hurt. If he's ever confronted with a problem or a challenge, he tackles it head-first and with his entire being (which results in Merlin having to save his ass every episode, but that's beside the point). He loves his kingdom, the fabled Camelot, more than anything and is willing to die for it. He ultimately becomes one of the greatest kings in history, with a destiny that was woven into time. (He is the Once and Future King, after all).

Bradley James:

6.Alec Lightwood - Shadowhunters (2016-Present)

I love Alec Lightwood for a lot of reasons. The main one being that he's the most sarcastic asshole on the planet (even though there are several other people on my list who rival him in snark). Alec, played by the insanely hot Matthew Daddario, is a Shadowhunter, someone who hunts demons and keeps the shadow world from intertwining with the mundane (human) world, based off of The Mortal Instruments books by Cassandra Clare. Alec is known as one of the best Shadowhunters alive because of his ability to assess a situation and tackle it while also being an incredible fighter. Another thing you should know about Alec is that he's gay (but closeted) and completely in love with his best friend and parabatai, Jace Wayland. Of course, if you've read the books, you know that Alec eventually ends up with Magnus Bane (a high warlock of Brooklyn) and realizes he's not actually in love with Jace. He's shy and incredibly insecure, but as the show progresses, the audience watches him grow into his own skin and become the strong leader that the Shadowhunters need him to be. He's full of dry, sarcastic humor and insulting remarks, but underneath all of that tough exterior, he's a sweet, loving friend.

Matthew Daddario:

5.Jamie Fraser - Outlander (2014-Present)

Kilts? Check. Red hair? Check. Scottish accent? DOUBLE CHECK. Jamie Fraser, played by Sam Heughan, is based off of a character of the same name from the Outlander book series written by Diana Gabaldon. Jamie is a Scottish Highland warrior from 1743 Scotland. When the show's main character Claire (look for her later on!) travels from 1945 to 1743, she's forced to acclimate herself to lifestyle of the Highland warriors while not divulging in the fact that she's from two hundred years in the future. She ends up marrying Jamie to protect herself, but also falls in love with him along the way. It's okay Claire, we're all in love with Jamie. Jamie's smart and strong-headed, but he loves with his whole heart. He wants nothing more than to protect Claire and his family and is willing to do anything to keep them safe. Jamie is sweet and goes through so much on this show, it's ridiculous. He's insanely lovable and I can't imagine a single viewer not falling for his undeniable charm and sexy wit.

Sam Heughan:

4.Tyrion Lannister - Game of Thrones (2011-Present)

While I love Jon Snow with my entire heart, Tyrion Lannister holds a special place in my heart. Played by the astounding Peter Dinklage, Tyrion Lannister is a dwarf in a time where physical disabilities are seen as curses. Tyrion is a drunk and a sarcastic ass, but he's insanely smart--smarter than people give him credit for. He's often overlooked because of his height, but throughout the show, he's proven himself to be one of the bravest and most powerful characters. He's manipulative and generous at the same time, which puts him as one of my favorite 'Thrones characters. He was never presented as a bad guy, though certain characters on the show certainly treat him as such. His brain is his most powerful asset, and if you watch the show, you've certainly seen him weasel his way out of certain death--literally. All that being said, I wouldn't be upset if he was the ruler of Westeros when the show is over and done.

Peter Dinklage:

3.Dean Winchester - Supernatural (2005-Present)

Remember how in the beginning of this article I said I had to limit myself to one character per show? This is why. I love every character on Supernatural, but Dean's been my favorite since day one, so I had to stay true to my heart and stick with him. Dean Winchester is the older brother to Sam Winchester, and the together, the two brothers hunt monsters and everything that goes bump in the night. Played by the outstanding Jensen Ackles, Dean is a gruff and aggressive man who has literally died for what he believed in. Several times. I'm serious, I have characters on this list that have died before, but Dean has died well over 100 times. The most important thing in Dean's life is his family--after witnessing his mother's tragic death at the age of 4, Dean was then set on the path to being the protector of his younger brother, Sam. Dean is relatable to the audience because he bottles up his emotions and fights off demons inside his own mind while still trying to paste a smile on his face and take care of his friends and family. He blames himself for everything and has a self esteem lower than he should. He hates himself and all that he's come to be, but as long as his brother is still standing, he'll fight to his dying breath to be everything that the world needs him to be.

Jensen Ackles:

2.Stiles Stilinski - Teen Wolf (2011-Present)

Arguably the most relatable person on my list. I know I just said that Dean was pretty relatable, but if you've seen Teen Wolf, odds are, you've related to Stiles Stilinski more times than you can count. Portrayed by Dylan O'Brien, Stiles is an energetic high schooler who finds out that his best friend was bitten by a werewolf and embarks on a journey to help him rediscover himself. One of my favorite things about Stiles is that he's often overlooked. He's the only human on the show (for the most part, anyway) and he's underrated by everyone who meets him. They see him as a kid with ADHD who isn't athletically skilled or supernaturally gifted, but in reality, he's so much more. He's highly intelligent (he's the one who discovers that Scott is a werewolf) and resourceful (he's often seen reading and pouring over notebooks and textbooks until he finds the answer he's looking for). In season 3, the audience gets to see a different side to Stiles, as he's possessed by a 1,000 year old Nogitsune demon and actually becomes the villain for once. At first, many of his friends don't even believe it could be him because he's Stiles, but after it's discovered that it is actually him, they race around the clock to save him. Stiles is also incredibly relatable because he's the sidekick who fell in love with the popular girl who never loved him back and spent his whole life being overlooked because of who his friends were. Through the past six seasons though, we've seen him grow into his own person and become the sarcastic, fun-loving badass that we all know and love.

Dylan O'Brien:

1.Dr. Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds (2005-Present)

A much more recent favorite of mine, but still a favorite nonetheless. Dr. Spencer Reid, played by Matthew Gray Gubler, is a Special Agent working in the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. He's the resident genius--with 3 PhD's and 2 equally impressive Bachelor's degrees (he was working on a third, so I'll round up to 3). He graduated high school at the age of 12 and was accepted into the BAU at 22. He also graduated from MIT and is one of the smartest people on my list. Unlike Sherlock, who had no canonical IQ, Spencer's IQ is a whopping 187 (an average person's IQ is between 90-100. Yeah. He's that smart). He also has an eidetic (photographic) memory and can read 20,000 words per minute. Apart from his brain, Spencer is extremely lovable and unique in his own way. Many fans of the show believe Spencer has mild autism in the form of Asperger's and might have slight traces of Schizophrenia (something that his mother also has). This is shown in the way he talks with his hands and his extreme social awkwardness. Spencer doesn't really pick up on social cues and other people's emotions and often says things without realizing that he's making people uncomfortable. However, his blabber mouth just adds to his charm. He's incredibly sweet and caring (he memorized a manual on how to deliver a baby in case his friend went into labor while they were out in the field) and has not one, but TWO children named after him (one of which he helped deliver). His friends and family are everything to him and he would do anything to protect them. He's one of my favorite characters of all time because I fell in love with him the moment I saw him and I couldn't help but root for him and his team.

Matthew Gray Gubler:


+1. Iris West - The Flash (2014-Present)

Iris West is a strong, black female character--something that's quite rare in television. She's played by Candice Patton, and she's a journalist in Central City. She's best friends with the show's namesake, Barry Allen (aka The Flash), and though Barry is in love with her, I never felt like she was reduced purely to the "love interest" that so many women unfortunately play into. Iris is strong and sure of herself and she doesn't take crap from anyone. In the first season, she shows her desire to write about politics and hard material, but is told repeatedly that she'll never write things of that nature. She eventually gets her big break (writing about the Flash, no less) and starts working with a newspaper and writing about the things she dreamed of. She's incredibly beautiful, but isn't vain or shallow, and her character doesn't revolve around her looks.

Candice Patton:

10. Emma Swan - Once Upon a Time (2011-Present)

Emma Swan, when we first meet her, is celebrating her 28th birthday by going on a date to catch a man who skipped bail. Emma's an orphan who's working as a bounty hunter of sorts--or at least she was until the son she gave up ten years ago shows up on her door. Once Upon a Time is set in Storybrooke, Maine, a fictional town where fairy tale characters were cursed to live by the Evil Queen (Regina Mills). Part of the curse dictates that none of them remember who they are--except for Regina (The Evil Queen) and Mr. Gold (Rumpelstiltskin/The Beast). Emma's son, Henry (who is Regina's adoptive son, awkward) manages to convince Emma to come to Storybrooke so that she can break the curse because she's the savior. Turns out the kid was right. Emma breaks the curse of the town and discovers that her parents are actually Prince Charming and Snow White, and she is the product of true love. Throughout her story, she deals with losses and new loves (Killian Jones), while learning how to live life now that she has a family. She's well written and easily loveable as she tries to do the right thing, but the writers are still aware that she has flaws and is not perfect. She's emotional and tries to do things for the benefit of others, but every once in awhile, she does something for herself.

Jennifer Morrison:

9. Isabelle Lightwood - Shadowhunters (2016-Present)

Sister to my dearly beloved Alec Lightwood, Isabelle is a Shadowhunter just like her big brother. Her specialty is her whip, which she wears coiled around her wrist, and her looks, which she uses to seduce and gain information from the people she's hunting. Isabelle is as sexy as they come, with her long dark hair and big dark eyes and sultry voice. She's fun and outgoing where her brother is stiff and unforgiving, but she constantly lives in the shadow of Alec's success. Where Alec is set to one day run an Institute (the half-way home for Shadowhunters where they stay and recuperate), she has no immediate plans for her future. Her mother and father look down on her because she's comfortable with who she is (she wears bright colors where Alec wears black, she wears makeup where her mother is barefaced) and she doesn't care about what anyone thinks of her. She's portrayed on the show as being kind and caring and she accepts people for who they are and loves deeply, making her one of my favorite characters on TV.

Emeraude Toubia:

8. Felicity Smoak - Arrow (2012-Present)

She reminds me of a female Stiles Stilinski/Spencer Reid. Felicity Smoak is another genius on my list who graduated from MIT and though she's not the only one, she's my first female hacker on this list. When we meet Felicity, she's working for Queen Consolidated which is being run by Oliver Queen (otherwise known as the Arrow, a vigilante who takes out those he deems poisonous to the city) and she's an IT technician. She's the first person to figure out who Oliver is and then she joins his team (Oliver and his "bodyguard" John Diggle). She falls in love with Oliver and after a few seasons, they finally decide to get together. Felicity is a blabber mouth who has trouble controlling what she says (especially to Oliver) and has a penchant for talking too fast. She's quirky and adorable, but will kick some ass if she needs to.

Emily Bett Rickards:

7. Peggy Carter - Agent Carter (2015-2016)

I love Peggy Carter. Really, I do. Because she took one look at skinny, awkward, pale little Steve Rogers (Captain America) and decided that she was going to love him for all of eternity. Steve, in his defense, didn't even stand a chance. Peggy Carter is one of my favorites for a lot of things. For one, she's not your typical stick skinny sidekick. Peggy Carter is a curvaceous hero in her own right. She doesn't need a man's help to do anything and she proved to everyone that women can do whatever they want. She started SHIELD and was the only person (besides Bucky Barnes), that Steve Rogers truly trusted. She's bold, beautiful, and doesn't take crap from anybody. She proves over and over again that she's worthy and deserving of the attention and credit she's given, while also living in a time period where women were seen as inferior (1940-50s). She has a beautiful line on the show that really stuck with me: I know my value. Anyone else's opinion doesn't really matter.

Hayley Atwell:

6. Lydia Martin - Teen Wolf (2011-Present)

We have another girl-genius! Lydia Martin, when we first meet her, is your stereotypical mean girl: she's beautiful, an airhead, and she's dating the star athlete. Boy, does that change. After getting involved with the wonderful world of werewolves (cough cough, thanks Stiles, cough), she stops caring so much about what other people think and starts doing things for herself. She reveals herself to be incredibly smart, smarter than anyone was aware (except for Stiles). She becomes a vital part of the show and is later revealed to be a banshee (someone who screams when people die) and is one of the most powerful creatures on the show. Beyond her supernatural abilities, she's clever and snarky, always making comments and never dealing with anyone's crap. She's fully aware that she's the smartest person in the room at all times, but doesn't think she's better than anyone else. She loves her friends and would do anything for them. They teach her how to be herself and how to love her brain and not give a damn about what anyone else thinks.

Holland Roden:

5. Skye / Daisy Johnson - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (2013-Present)

I love strong female characters! When we first meet her, her name is Skye and she's a hacker with a resistance organization fighting against SHIELD. She's an orphan who has no ties to anyone or anything and is completely alone. After being picked up by SHIELD and working with Coulson's team for a while, she gains a family and learns how to trust people. She's smart and incredibly talented: she's a hacker, an agent, and she even becomes a superhero who can create earthquakes. Throughout Agents of SHIELD, Skye finds herself and gains a new name--Daisy Johnson (which really sucks because all of the fans called her Skye, and now calling her Daisy is weird, just saying). She's not perfect and that's what I love about her. She makes mistakes and she accepts the consequences that comes with them and tries to deal with her grief and pain in the ways she knows best. She grows to love the people she works with and learns that sometimes the people we want to hold most dear are actually the people we should stay away from.

Chloe Bennet:

4. Eleven - Stranger Things (2016-Present)

MY PRECIOUS CHILD. Honestly, if you haven't watched Stranger Things, what are you even doing? Stranger Things takes place in the early 1980's and focuses around a group of children who discover that their best friend is missing. The boys, all around the ages of 10-13 (I'm estimating here) begin to suspect that something weird is going on and discover a strange girl in the woods, Eleven. She has no name, but has the numbers 011 tattooed on her wrist, hence the name. Eleven is a quiet girl who doesn't talk much at all (they originally suspect that she might either be mentally stunted or is stupid) but she seems to know what's going on in their small town. It is revealed to the audience that Eleven is special: she has telekinetic abilities and can travel to another realm of existence known as "The Upside Down". She tells the boys about their missing friend, Will, and that she knows he is still alive. Together, she and the boy go on a daring mission to find Will and save him from the creature they've nicknamed the Demogorgon (yes, it's from D&D). Eleven, though quiet, is charming and charismatic--the audience is drawn to her at her first appearance and they fall in love with her as the story progresses. She's incredibly brave and loyal, even saving her new friends from bullies trying to harm them even though it physically weakens her. Regardless of how scared she is, she's always willing to help the boys no matter the cost.

Millie Bobby Brown:

3. Claire Fraser - Outlander (2014-Present)

Claire Fraser is one bomb ass lady. She's a nurse from WWII who is celebrating the end of the war by spending time with her husband for the first time in several years. While on her second honeymoon with her husband, Claire encounters a set of standing stones in 1945 Scotland. As she touches the stones, she is transported through time to 1743 Scotland, just on the cusp of the Jacobite war (the English versus the Scots). She has to learn to adapt while also using her skills as a nurse to to keep herself and those she loves safe. She's brave and loyal and clever in her own ways. She falls in love with her second husband, Jamie Fraser, and learns to adapt to the culture of Scotland in the 1740's. She's incredibly smart and isn't afraid to tell anyone what she's thinking--even while being accused of witchcraft, she still berates the jurors for believing in such silly things. Talk about bad-assery.

Caitriona Balfe:

2. Penelope Garcia - Criminal Minds (2011-Present)

I love Penelope Garcia. One of my favorite things is that she's not your typical stick-skinny lead TV role, nor is she portrayed as being some ultra-nerdy geek girl who doesn't know how to flirt with boys. No, instead, she's flirtatious and bold and her body shape never hinders her from doing anything. She's confident in her body, her skills as a hacker, and her relationships. In fact, her relationship with the ultra-hunk Derek Morgan (Shemar Moore, look him up) is one of my favorite things ever. The two of them continually talk to each other in ways that would make others uncomfortable. Derek's favorite nickname for Penelope is "baby girl" (which Shemar Moore actually made into a clothing line because of it's popularity) and she has several for him. A few of my personal favorites are: "hot stuff", " angel face", and sculpted god of chocolate thunder". She's fun and lovable and she's smart on top of it.

Kirsten Vangsness:

1. Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones (2011-Present)

Did you really think I'd make this list without adding the Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons, Queen of the Andals, and Protector of the Seven Kingdoms? GUESS AGAIN. If you don't know who Daenerys is, you must have never heard of Game of Thrones. Honestly, it's understandable--the show's not even that popular and it's not very good. (HA). Daenerys starts off the show in kind of a rough place--her brother is basically selling her to a group of warrior men to be married to their leader so he can use them as an army to overthrow the King of Westeros. Needless to say, Daenerys goes from 0 to 100 real quick. Halfway through the first season, she grows tired of her brother's moans and groans and starts taking charge for herself. Over the show she grows into a strong, beautiful leader. She's constantly fighting for respect, but what respect she gets is well deserved. She's a stern ruler, but she often shows compassion and revenge in the same scene (releasing a city of slaves and then commanding them to kill their masters in the same sentence, for one). She loves her people and she wants to do good for everyone. She believes in equality and is sure of herself and her choices she makes. When she makes promises, she stands by them. She's kind, beautiful, powerful, and she kicks ass.

Emilia Clarke:

So that's my list for my Top 20 Characters in Television (let's be real, it was technically 22)! Remember these are all personal favorites of mine and I only selected from TV show I've watched myself!

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