Top 12 Signs You Are A Bookworm
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Top 12 Signs You Are A Bookworm

If you can stop reading your book long enough to read this article.

Top 12 Signs You Are A Bookworm
Jacqueline Reid Photography

I am a self-proclaimed bookworm. It’s not uncommon to find me with my nose buried in a book. The bookstore is appealing not because of all the apparel (okay, that may be part of it) but because there are bargain books available. You won’t find me without a book in my backpack, no matter if I’m going to the dining hall, the library, or to class. I finished another book yesterday, and that makes a total of five that I've finished this semester. However, I know I'm not alone. These are the top twelve signs that you too are a bookworm.

1. You enjoy going to the library or bookstore just to smell the books

Maybe it's just me, but there's something about the smell of freshly printed books that just sends my nose tingling. Or better yet, the smell of old books where they practically smell of their history. I think just the smell of books is part of the reason I don't mind perusing the library stacks.

2. You wish they would make a candle/perfume/scent that smells like old books

Lucky for you, there's actually a company out there that's done it! They have candles with scents like "Old Book," "Oxford University," and "Bookstore!" They also have candles that are themed from books, so you can smell Sherlock's office, the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, or even the inside of the TARDIS. You can find the company, and their many scents, here.

3. You have a giant stack of books that you will read, eventually

You want to read these books, that's not the problem. You just don't remember that you want to read them until you're in the middle of another book. And somehow, that list never seems to get any shorter - just longer. You're constantly getting recommendations from friends, family, and even the bookstores. Maybe, someday, that pile of books will shrink a little.

4. Even though you have a huge pile of “will-read” books, you continue buying new books

I'm so guilty of this. I have a bunch of books that I want to read, but I can't help but snatch up a new release by Kiera Cass or Irene Hannon while I'm at Barnes and Noble! It just makes my "will-read" book pile a little taller.

5. You find yourself wishing the characters in the book were real

I would love to have some of these book characters as friends. If nothing else to ask them what else was happening in the book. Besides, some of their qualities are just perfect friend material. And I'd be lying if my fantasy books didn't make me wish desperately that I had a pet dragon. Don't judge me.

6. You find books that you adore and continue reading them over and over

Some of my favorite books are the most well loved. My copy of Brisingr, the third book from Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle, is water stained because I took it with me to a sleepover. Several of my other books are slightly bent at the edges because they travelled many miles in my backpack, to and from school. Their wear and tear means I loved them.

7. You follow your favorite authors on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or all of the above

So many authors are active on the social media scene. It's far too easy to like their page and follow along as they go on book tours, promote other authors, and even share personal updates. Plus when they start writing another book in your series, the hype is real.

8. If your favorite author is writing a new book, you constantly watch their social media for updates/teasers/announcements

Every time there's a new development your heart beats a little faster. The release date announcement just means that you know what day you're going to be at the bookstore.

9. Those teasers that are released drive you crazy because you just want to read the book!

Alas, some of the negatives to following your favorite authors on social media is that you die a little bit everytime they release a teaser. You just want to be able to read the whole book!

10. You own an e-reader but still love the feel of a physical book in your hands

I have a Nook. I also have the Kindle app on my phone. It comes in handy when you're getting ready to board a plane and you only have one little e-reader as opposed to five books (which I might've done before...). However, there really just isn't anything that can replace the feel of a physical book in your hands.

11. Finding a new book to read is one of the best feelings in the world

Especially when it's part of a series and the majority of the series (if not all of the series) has already been released. It's like finding a 8+ season show on Netflix with 24 episodes per season.

12. Finishing a book is both a really good feeling while also being one of the saddest feelings because you finished the book

Most of the books I read usually end with nice, complete endings. Finishing the book, my heart swells because the book had a happy ending and overall life is good. For about thirty seconds. Then you realize that you finished your book and you have book hangover. It's the worst kind of hangover in my opinion because it can last a few hours, a few days, or (in rare cases) a few weeks.

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