Top 10 National Parks in the United States
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Top 10 National Parks in the United States

Engulf yourself in the majesty of one of the many National Parks in the United States.

Top 10 National Parks in the United States
Mark Tuttle

Are you planning an epic summer road trip or just looking for a great way to end your summer? Well, look no further, because you do not need to travel far to experience destinations with views that will exceed your wildest dreams. The United States has an incredible assortment of National Parks across its fifty states that range from jagged mountains, rolling hills, open tundra, and much more. If you want to surround yourself with natural beauty beyond compare, then engulf yourself in the majesty of one of the many National Parks in the United States.

Arches National Park

(Photograph by Simon Christen)

The red dirt foundation and over 2,000 natural stone arches display a beauty beyond compare. The geology of varying minerals dance in the casting lights of the intense sun across the park, creating a scene that cannot be captured by a mere photograph.

Glacier National Park


Glacier National Park is a hiker’s dream, with over 700 miles of trails across green meadows, rugged mountains, and incredible forests surrounding the heavenly landscape.

Rocky Mountain National Park

Experience the alpine and subalpine world of Rocky Mountain National Park as you hike along the 300 miles of trails surrounded by magnificent mountains and enchanting wildflowers.

Yellowstone National Park

(Photograph by Michael Melford)

In 1872, Yellowstone was established as the nation’s first National Park. Surrounded by abundant wildlife such as bison, elk, bears, and wolves, Yellowstone is an animal lover's dream. The park is home to the majority of the world’s geysers, including Old Faithful.

Denali National Park

(Photograph by Nic McPhee)

Welcome to the remnants of the Wild West. Denali is home to six million acres of wild land that is accessible only by park service transportation on a single road. Denali is the location of North America’s highest peak, Mt. McKinley (20, 320’), and is a backpacker’s dream.

Yosemite National Park

(Photograph by Andrew Coffing)

In the majestic landscape of the High Sierras lies the valley of Yosemite. Yosemite is surrounded by cascading waterfalls, picturesque meadows, and diverse wildlife at every turn.

Grand Canyon National Park

(Photograph by Anindya Chakraborty)

The Grand Canyon is a geologist's dream. Witness vast expanses of contrasting colors filling the incredible expanse of the landscape, with 277 miles of river winding through the massive geological structures.

Great Smokey Mountains National Park

(Photograph by Adam Jones)

Great Smokey Mountain National Park is one of the most visited parks in the United States, and there is no doubt as to why. Miles of forests sloping the ridges of the rolling hills of the Smokey Mountains is enticing for both those who visit, and for the permanent wildlife in the diverse region.

Mount Rainier National Park

(Photograph by Robert Earle Howells)

Mount Rainier National Park is proof that beauty grows in all ecological circumstances. Mount Rainier is a glacial peak of an active volcano that distributes six significant rivers across the intoxicatingly beautiful and diverse landscape.

Grand Teton National Park

(Photograph by Mike Briner)

Grand Teton National Park is a place of mesmerizing beauty. The jagged peaks surrounded by various lakes across the alpine terrain are a landscape to behold.

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