Which "Too Many Cooks" Character Are You?
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Which "Too Many Cooks" Character Are You?

A scholarly analysis of this cinematic masterpiece.

Which "Too Many Cooks" Character Are You?

In 2014, the internet welcomed a new video that would ultimately go viral. Originally airing on Adult Swim at 4 a.m., the 11-minute video called “Too Many Cooks” parodies TV show cliches. It begins as a stereotypical opening sequence to a sitcom about a nuclear suburban family, but becomes increasingly dark and satirical. Before I spoil it too much, have a look for yourself on Youtube.

This cinematic showstopper received raving reviews from some scholars, such as Dr. Julian Darius, who described it as "a sublime postmodern masterpiece." Others took it too seriously, such as TV critic Andy Greenwald, who tweeted “I no longer understand the point of watching, making or writing about TV after seeing Adult Swim's 'Too Many Cooks'.”

Given that there is a sad shortage of academic analysis concerning "Too Many Cooks", in this article you can find out which character you are most similar to. Regardless of whether you appreciate the meta-fictional genius of this video, you would be mistaken to miss out on this character breakdown.

1. Ken DeLozier

You are a regular goofball who loves making people laugh. You always want to be the center of attention even if that means making a fool of yourself. Behind your silly exterior, you are very talented and would be best suited pursuing photography, architecture or art.

2. Justin Scott

Appearances mean a lot to you, so you spend a good amount of time working out. You struggle to understand that looks are not everything. Please be patient with yourself and you will find people that appreciate you for who you really are.

3. Cameron Markeles

You are intelligent beyond your age. Others may be jealous of your brilliance and attempt to bring you down, but one day you will be their boss, so ha. Make sure you leave the house every now and then so you make friends who are not on the periodic table.

4. Gwydion Lashley-Walton

Your parents chose your name with a ouija board, and you were born at Burning Man. You have a funky, androgynous taste in fashion. You are friends with all kinds of people, who appreciate your eclectic, outgoing personality. Please remind yourself it’s OK to let your guard down. You don’t have to be cool all the time.

5. Barbara Bruce

Oh Barbara, you love home decor magazines, and follow recipes to a T. Because you only makes oatmeal raisin cookies for your grandchildren, you may be their least favorite grandparent. Twenty years ago, someone said you look a little bit like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and now you bring it up incessantly at dinner parties. Do yourself a favor and let your hair down once in a while!

6. Smarf

You once dreamed of becoming some sort of musician, but were never quite good enough. You have lofty goals but you fail in the pursuit. You often feel the need to save the day, and become a hero. You need to focus more on the present and stop being so distracted by the future.

7. Ricky Boynton

You always dreamed of living in the city when you grew up. Your time is spent trying to prove yourself to others, especially the head chef VC Fuqua. In your downtime you love to take long walks on the beach with your Goldendoodle named Rocky. It may be time to finally start showing an interest in romantic pursuits. Heard of Tinder?

8. Marc Farley

There is so much to say about you, Marc Farley. To begin with the obvious, you are the office dufus. You allow people to walk all over you, including your wife and children. Because of this, you have developed general anxiety disorder. Some things people may not know about you is that your favorite color is aquamarine and that you have always admired actress Meryl Streep.

We have no advice for you because you are perfect.

9. Karen Cassady

Being left out has always been a fear of yours, so you tend to overcompensate by acting like the office clown. You have six cats, all of which are named after soap opera stars. You also go to the same hair stylist as Barbara Bush! Realize that you do not always have to be involved in everyone’s business.

10. Katie Adkins

You are always involved with sports, sometimes being the team captain! Throughout high school you focused more on boys than academics, so you ended up at your second choice college. You are not the smartest bulb in the batch, but often luck is on your side! Make sure not to have too much fun in college, you might run into some shady individuals.

11. Bill

People view you as the villain, but you just want to be loved--you simply don’t express that well enough. You suffer from loneliness because you alienate all your friends. If they got to know you, they would learn that you foster a deep passion for cooking, especially unconventional dishes. Here’s a piece of advice: try not murdering and cooking all your friends. It may do wonders for your social life.

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