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A Letter To The Old And The Future Me

Growing up and into my body each and everyday, striving to be a better version of myself.

A Letter To The Old And The Future Me
Tyler Strebel

Old you,

You've grown up in so many ways over the past eight years. You've become a woman that your family is proud of. You accomplished goals you thought were far from reach and made new ones along the way. Although you thought times were tough and the world was against you, I bet you feel pretty on top of the world now! I don't miss how things used to be. I liked being young and innocent, but it was time to grow up and learn how to take care of myself and others. Sure we lost a few people on the way.

Some of those losses were tough and some were for the better. We must look forward. Every single decision made got us where we are today. Thank you. Thank you for learning about yourself and leaving the past. You continue to grow into your structure each day. Life isn't all rainbows and butterflies, you know this. BUT, you've got it. And the steps you've made thus far show just how much you're capable of. Thank you for sticking it out, even when others bruised you up.

Future You,

You have big goals ahead of you and you like to work fast, you always have. Take the time to slow down, why are you wishing to be older??? You want to be wrinkly?!? I know you're happy with someone, appreciate them and let them know they are loved. You'd want the same and you can be a lot to handle sometimes. Check in with family more, maybe you've moved away and don't see everyone as much.

I'm proud of you and you deserve to be successful in whatever you take on. Positivity is a word you always tried to focus on and live out. Take the time to be positive to those around you, think about others. And you probably still love shopping so I hope your bank account is okay! Anyways you know dad is looking down and loves seeing you do great things with your life. Keep up the good work for him.


Current You

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