To The American Christian Regarding The 2016 Election
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To The American Christian Regarding The 2016 Election

"When did the Church become more passionate about politics than about Jesus Christ?"

To The American Christian Regarding The 2016 Election
Josh Jacobs

There are so many words, views, and opinions being thrown around about the upcoming presidential election- some from a Christian perspective and some not. For the sake of clarity, this article is specifically addressing the believers in Christ that comprise the American Church.

Family, I am afraid that we have drifted dangerously far away from the life intended for believers to live. Over the past year I have been a part of more conversations about politics than about the gospel. There seems to be a constant undertone of political agenda woven into sermons, in our Sunday-School conversations, and on Christian media outlets.

When did the Church become more passionate about politics than about Jesus Christ?

Merriam-Webster defines the word Passion as, “A strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something. : A strong feeling (such as anger) that causes you to act in a dangerous way”. I have witnessed great passion expressed by believers about political parties, voting for or against specific candidates, laws, policies, and for the United States of America. I must be frank- I have notwitnessed that same passion for spreading the love of Jesus to the world around us.

I don’t think that believers are intentionally forsaking the gospel to advance political agendas. I do, however, believe that fear and uncertainty have crept their way into our hearts and minds and have caused us to intertwine our political beliefs with our Christian beliefs. Fear causes us to believe that we need a political "Messiah" to take office and rescue America from corruption and destruction. It sounds sacrilegious when I phrase it that way, but isn’t that exactly the kind of mindset we have expressed?

Many of the things I have heard Christians say about politics have been clearly motivated by the fear of the unknown. Let us all be reminded that a spirit of fear is not given by the Lord and should not have a place in our hearts. Let us also be reminded that the only "Messiah" we have ever needed has already come and is currently reigning higher than any earthly leader, king, or president.

I am not implying that Christians should take a back seat and stay silent during this important time in American history. Voting is a privilege that should absolutely be taken advantage of and used, to the best of our ability, to glorify God.

Do not be afraid or surprised that a lost world acts like a lost world. Our home is not the United States of America. Our salvation lies not in a president. Our passion should not be in anything other than the grace and love of Jesus.

Instead of complaining and campaigning begin praying. Either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. It is crucial that we pray for them- their leadership, their reactions to crisis, their humility, their souls. It is important that we pray for the millions of American people who haven’t experienced the grace and love Jesus has to offer them. So many Christians are speaking out against many political ideals in an effort for their voice to be heard when the most impact our voices can possibly have is when they are being lifted up the throne of God. Before we speak a single word we must pray.

Ultimately, our passion for politics needs to be transformed into peace. When a lost world looks in at the church and sees fear and anger they don’t see Jesus. We have been given a peace that passes all understanding- a peace that should shine through our speech, our attitudes, and our hearts even in the midst of turmoil and confusion. We have been given love that drastically contrasts the hate running rampant in our country and in the world. When we act out of peace and love rather than fear and hate the world will see Jesus through us. Our passionshould be for those things- peace and love.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-discipline” 2 Timothy 1:7.

“For while we were still sinners Christ died for us” Romans 5:8.

“Be not conformed any longer to the patterns and customs of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds” Romans 12:2.

“Only three things remain: faith, hope, and love- the greatest of these is love" 1 Corinthians 13:13.

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” Ephesians 6:12.

“The peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ” Philippians 4:7.

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