8 Tips To Get You Prepared For Final Exam Season
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8 Tips To Get You Prepared For Final Exam Season

This time of year, all motivation is gone so it's a good idea to sit down and plan out what to do to best prepare yourself for finals.

8 Tips To Get You Prepared For Final Exam Season
Element5 Digital // Unsplash

It has gotten to the point of the semester where no one has any motivation and we all just want the semester to be over. Trust me, I am in the same boat.

Thanksgiving break was amazing. You finally got to relax, sleep in your own bed, and eat real homemade meals. However, you now must get back to the grind and churn out work as finals approach. Here are a few tips to stay motivated at this point of the semester as final exams approach:

1. Sit down and make a to-do list

Write down EVERYTHING you need to do until finals. This includes social events such as meals with friends or reserving a night to myself to decompress from a stressful week.

2. Make a commitment to check off three or four things off of this list every day until finals

3. Plan time to meet one-on-one with each professor

I know it may seem daunting or maybe useless, but trust me it will help you in the long run. Whether it be just a checkup asking about how the professor suggests preparing for their final or asking about a question you missed on a quiz, it will be beneficial in the long run to hear your prof’s personal opinion on your status in the class at this time of the year.

4. Escape campus to go downtown or to a local restaurant

During this point of the semester, the entire student population becomes stressed. I do not know about you, but I feed off of other people's stress; which makes campus horrible during exam season. To battle this I leave my campus and go to a local coffee shop or park to study and escape the stress bubble that exists on campus.

Sometimes it is nice to go into town and surround yourself with real-world adults and people not affiliated with your school. Whether it be going to study at a coffee shop or just getting dinner downtown after a long day of studying, it is sure to help clear your mind.

5. Allow yourself some free time to watch Netflix or relax

Although it may seem like you have no time to sleep right now, the most important thing to do is take care of your mental health. The last thing you want to happen is to be worn out by the time finals come around. Even though it may seem like you don't have enough time in the day to get anything done, it is necessary to step back from your work and give yourself a break whether it be going on a walk around campus or watching an episode (or two) of your favorite show on Netflix.

6. Make hourly goals

If you’re anything like me and find yourself staring at your homework with absolutely no drive to work; make a goal to get a certain amount of work done before your next meal or scheduled activity. Or tell yourself that you’ll go for a walk to clear your mind after you finish a certain assignment.

7. Remember to take care of yourself

These few weeks before finals are the most valuable time to take care of yourself before you shift to focusing solely on calculus and less on how much sleep you get or food you eat. The last thing you want to happen is to burn out before finals even start. This means making sure that you are getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water, and eating all your meals. Brain food is a real thing and it's important to make sure you don't abandon it.

8. Stop wearing your pajamas to class

You probably are planning on living in your pajamas or sweats all of finals, but that actually sets you up to be less focused on your day. It's been scientifically proven that the clothes you wear set a mental standard of what your body assumes you will be doing.

For example, when you put on pajamas your brain connects it with going to sleep so it prepares your body to relax and get ready to turn off. This mindset is the exact opposite of what you want to be thinking when you sit down for your Calculus final exam.

Although they are so comfy and warm, wearing your pajamas to class will keep you in the mindset of relaxation and laziness, rather than focusing and learning. I'm not saying that you need to dress up to any extent, just put in a little bit of effort to what you wear during finals so you feel comfortable yet productive.

We are all so close to the end of the semester and to winter break when you’ll have no guilt for not doing any school work! We have made it this far, might as well push a little bit farther to the end.

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