I recently flew by myself for the first time, from Texas to Florida. I'm an independent, quasi-adventurous 19-year-old, and I was still slightly nervous. Here are some thoughts that went through my head. If you remember your first solo flight, these might ring a bell.
1. You check, double check, and triple check your departure time, gate, seat number, and identity. Is that my face on this driver's license? Good.
2. Preparing to go through security: am I harboring anything illegal? Here’s to hoping not.
3. If they confiscate my camera's lithium battery, I'll play dumb. I was born for this role.
4. Airport food is way overpriced. But a person’s gotta eat, ya know?![]()
5. Should I strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to me? I don’t want to be annoying, but I don’t want to come across as anti-social either. Happy medium: niceties only. Maybe.
6. Am I allowed to be on my phone when the flight attendant is checking the cabin for lift off? I should probably hide it just in case.
7. When the plane is about to take off and the seat next to you is still empty. Score!
8. "Where da snacks at?" as soon as you take off.
9. Would I like a complimentary drink? Heck yes I would. I paid hundreds for this here libation.
10. I hope we don’t crash because I don’t actually understand how to operate one of those masks.
11. No matter what, I will avoid the lavatory. I am a strong person. I can hold it…*uses lavatory*![]()
12. Finding the balance between getting a good look out the window and not blocking it with your head so your fellow passengers can see too and don't grow to resent you.
13. Hmm...how long could I balance on that wing before falling to my death?
Thank you for flying the friendly skies of Odyssey!