I could have taken a better swing at that pitch! | The Odyssey Online
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11 Thoughts Every Baseball Lover Has In October — The Best, Most Nerve-Wracking Time Of The Year

The most wonderful (and nerve-wracking) time of the year.

11 Thoughts Every Baseball Lover Has In October — The Best, Most Nerve-Wracking Time Of The Year

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Every true baseball fan knows that October is the most exciting time of the year. There are heartbreaks, joyful victories, and legendary moments in every post-season baseball game.

You may find yourself stuck in a love/hate relationship with the sport for most of the month but there is nothing better than watching your favorite team pile up Ws on their way to the World Series.

How is it already October? 

The start of October baseball is always bittersweet. You are excited to see your team play in the post-season (if they have a good record), but you're sad to see yet another MLB season come to an end.

Post-season baseball is the best baseball.

Tons of action-packed games, countless innings spent on the edge of your seat, and the rush of joy when your team finally wins is all any baseball fan can ask for.

There are so many games going on that you find yourself glued to the TV for hours on end and constantly checking team updates. Anything can happen in the post-season!

It's our year!

Watching your favorite team play post-season baseball is super exciting and you may find yourself getting swept up in the fantasy of the players raising the World Series trophy.

It's best to be optimistic at the start of October, but prepare for a journey full of ups and downs.

What time is the game tonight?

With so many games going on, it can be hard to keep track of who is playing who, when the game is, and where it's being played.

You'll find yourself constantly checking your phone for game updates and scores, even when you should be asleep.

I'm just going to watch one more inning...

is a lie we all tell ourselves when we tune in to a game. Even if your team isn't playing, there seems to be a great game on at every hour of the day.

October baseball can serve as a great distraction to fuel your procrastination.

WHO got injured?

October baseball is full of surprises (and they're not always good).

There's no feeling that is worse than watching the ESPN news scroll and seeing that your star starting pitcher was just placed on the injured list before an elimination game.

I could totally manage a baseball team.

In post-season baseball, there are always moments of frustration where you wish that you could march into the dugout and take over the team (I'm looking at you, Dave Roberts).

Why is the ump calling that a ball?

The frustration often boils into yelling at the umpires through the TV screen, especially when your team is already losing and the other team has runners in scoring position with no outs.

Even more frustrating when you watch the replay about ten times and can see that the ball is clearly in the strike zone.

I could have taken a better swing at that pitch!

Okay, maybe you can't but in the moment you're surely thinking it!


Nothing beats the joy of watching one of your favorite players swing for the fences and hit a dinger. This is especially true if it means that your team is taking the lead in a nail-biter.

One run closer to the world series.

There is nothing more exciting than watching the World Series.

Seeing your team in the world series is an amazing feeling. World series games have you on the edge of your seat for all nine innings because anything could happen at any minute.

You're hanging on every pitch as if your life depended on it. It is extremely stressful but it is so worth it if your team gets to reign as the world champions until next October rolls around.

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