15 Things I Wish I Would've Told Myself At The Beginning Of 2016
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15 Things I Wish I Would've Told Myself At The Beginning Of 2016

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15 Things I Wish I Would've Told Myself At The Beginning Of 2016

Two-thousand and seventeen is slowly lingering and with the new year approaching I've begun to reflect on this past year. Looking back there is a lot I'm thankful for and there are also some things I wish I could change. Here are some things I wish I could've told myself 12 months ago.

1.Enjoy the small moments

During this year there are going to be so many amazing times. You won't even realize how great these times were until they've passed and you're reliving them through your camera roll. So enjoy the long car rides, the spontaneous trips to breakfast places at 12 am, and the sleepovers with your best friends. You might not think much into it when they're happening, but you'll look back at the small moments and want to relive them over and over again. Enjoy every laugh and every smile as much as possible.

2.Take it all in

2016 was the year that you graduated high school. At the beginning of the year you were counting down the days till you were handed that diploma. It won't be until you're celebrating with the kids you've grown up with that it's the end of a chapter in your life. So take every single aspect of high school in and appreciate it all. When you sit on the party bus going to prom, look around at everybody and burn that memory into your mind. Try to really live in the moment of all the last events of your high school career. Take time to allow yourself to savor what high school has brought you. You may be thinking that you can't wait to be out but you'll never be able to relive this time of your life and you should enjoy every single second of it.

3.Don't be afraid to speak your mind when something bothers you

Throughout 2016 there are going to be some things that make you angry and upset. You'll think the best thing to do is keep them in and move on because it makes things easier. This however, is far from the truth. Not speaking your mind will just lead to even more problems and in the end you will feel defeated and weak. You must tell people when you're upset with them and when you do it it will make things in the future so much easier. Don't think that you'll look crazy, because holding it in will actually drive you crazy.

4.Let go of people, even when it's hard

There are going to be people who will leave your life this year. It will start slowly and you'll start to feel them fade from your life. Without even realizing it, you'll look up one day and they'll be completely gone. This will make you sad but you cannot let it consume you. The sad reality of life is that sometimes people are temporary. Don't try to hold onto them but rather know it's for the best. Let them go but appreciate what they gave you, whether it's great memories or a helpful lesson.

5.Embrace that your life is changing

College is beginning and you're feeling excited but also extremely scared. Don't be afraid of things changing, because in the end everything is going to be okay. Making new friends and adjusting to a new home may be overwhelming but it is such an exciting time. Just take it day by day and stay positive. Don't be afraid of change but instead look forward to it.

6.Put yourself out there and don't be afraid of failure

There will be a lot of times you'll be afraid to fail or be rejected. But what's even worse than both of these is regret. If you don't put yourself out there and go for things you want as much as possible, you will be wishing that you did.Don't allow fear to lower yourself and dominate your year.

7.Know everything happens for a reason

You'll sometimes question why certain things happened this year. How certain things played out will trouble you and you'll hate how things worked out. Just know that there are reasons for everything and this year will be a growing and learning experience. Keep going and smiling because at the end of the year you will understand why everything happened the way it did.

8.Accept that people and things will change and you cannot control it

Do not waste time being upset over the fact that people and things are changing. Seeing somebody you care for and things you love change is not fun. You'll be sad and look back on times and wish you could hold onto how that person was back then. But remember that how a person changes is none of your business. That person is growing and it should only be their concern. You cannot control change so don't spend precious time thinking about it. Just accept it and let go of that person or time in your life if it no longer bring happiness to you.

9.No, don't lie to your parents. They are smarter than that

You may think you're smart and can get away with certain things. In your mind you believe that it's not fair that they aren't letting you do things because you are now an "adult." But this is no excuse to lie and sneak around behind their backs. Trust me you are not smarter than them. You are going to get caught and you will feel so much disappointment in yourself when they confront you. Your parents trust you and love you, be honest with them. They're understanding and deserve the truth. If you don't tell the truth, it's going to lead to a very fun grounding.

10.Don't let the small things ruin your year

Do not focus on the small moments of sadness. Focus on the day trips and adventures with your best friends. Focus on all the insanely cool things you discovered about the world. Focus on all the times you were able to travel to new places and make memories that will last a lifetime. Do not spend a lot of time thinking about all the bad things and the moments that made you cry, because it's a waste of time.

11.Laugh at the embarrassing moments

In the moment these times may make you cringe and maybe even burst out into tears. But by the end of the year there will be a lot of laughing about these horrific memories. Trust me nobody remembers when you fell down the stairs. Laugh about it!!

12. Know when to chill out on spring break

Just trust me. If you don't stop and chill out you will be buying an ugly shirt in the Nassau market and getting your hair braided. Your head will hurt and you'll skip dinner that night. But the videos will be funny!

13.Know when it's time to go to bed

Don't force anything when it comes to going out on the weekends. You don't have to go out every weekend and trust me there's nothing better than a good sleep. Also know when it's time to put down the Netflix and go to sleep because the 8 am class you have is going to kick your butt in the morning. Also don't take an 8 am class, you may think you're strong enough but trust me you are not.

14.Get up at 5 and watch that sunrise

It may seem unappealing at the time but get up early and go on adventures with friends. You'll hate it when you first wake up but it will be worth it. Listen to loud music to wake yourself up or do anything to make it easier. Just make sure you're taking every opportunity to be spontaneous with the people you care about. The more you do that, the more memories you'll make and the happier you'll be at the end of the year.

15.It's going to be the best year yet

2016 is going to be the most memorable year of your life so far. You graduate high school, turn 18, go to amazing concerts, and start college leading you to marvelous experiences and friends. Enjoy every single moment and never stop smiling!

I wish there was a way I could tell my 17-year-old self all of these things twelve months ago. Sadly time travel has not been invented so I will settle with keeping all of this in mind for 2017. You live and you learn and I can't wait to make this upcoming year even better than 2016. Goodbye 2016 and hello to 2017!

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