If you were born between December and January 1, you know how your birthday/Christmas season plays out. The music, the decorations, the food, the parties - all good spirit until they threaten to overrun your own personal holiday. As a holiday baby, I would like to take a moment to recognize a couple things I and other holiday babies just love about this time of year.
1. Our Finest Gifts We Bring.
Oh yes, we love the combined Christmas-birthday gift. Wrap it in Christmas wrapping paper with a birthday card? Fantastic. Put 'em under the tree too. Let's combine "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Birthday" into "Merry Birthmas" while we're at it.
2. What Child is This?
Oh yeah, my birthday is important, it's the day I was brought into the world. But don't let it take away from the guy who's birthday is a national holiday. Or that other guy in the red suit.
3. Deck The Halls.
Christmas party after Christmas party after holiday bash after New Year's Eve Ball after New Year's party. Your January 1 birthday party? June 30.
4. Pass Around the Coffee and the Pumpkin Pie.
Pumpkin pie for my birthday cake? Why not. Champagne? ...Okay, yeah, that one's fine.
5. Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot?
"I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday in all the holiday madness!"
All sarcasm aside, in the end, all we really want is a little separation between our day of birth and the chaos of the holidays. If you know someone born around this time, tell them "Happy birthday," get them two gifts and always offer to at least have dinner with them to show that you remembered. Because a cake that says "Happy Birthday to you and Jesus!" kinda takes away from your special day.