If you're like me, an avid Christmas lover, chances are you've already encountered a few Grinches this holiday season. They all seem to come out of their caves as Christmas draws nearer and nearer. They greet you with their annoyed, sometimes angry looks and demand that you stifle your holiday cheer.
"Never!" you say. "Because Christmas will come anyway, whether you like it or not." Here's how you can spread some early Christmas cheer to the Grinches in your life.
1) Give them a hug
Sometimes people are just having a bad day and need to hug it out. Bring it in Joey. Bring it in.
2) Remind them of the true meaning of Christmas
Despite all the commercialism, Christmas is being celebrated for a reason: to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Even if the Grinches in your life aren't Christian, they can at least respect people's right to celebrate.
3) Give them a batch of early Christmas cookies. Because let's face it--food makes everything better
4) Do random acts of kindness for the Grinch
Not only is it the right thing to do, but you get to see their reaction to your good deeds. The face makes any trouble worth it, trust me.
5) Do something fun with the Grinch in your life!
Chances are the Grinch in your life is stressed out with all the impending deadlines and family encounters that come with the holidays approaching. Taking breaks are proven to reduce stress. So as Thanksgiving approaches, take the Grinch in your life out for a night of fun or order in some takeout and watch movies. Who knows? Maybe that frown will turn upside down…
To the Grinches of the world, please try and remember that Christmas is a joyful time for many people. The early bird celebrators are just trying to capitalize on the joyful feeling they get around Christmastime. And in this chaotic world, who can blame them?
So no matter how you feel about the holiday
Respect other people's ways
And as Dr. Seuss would say,
Your Grinchy heart could grow three sizes today.