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The Fun Barn Experience

My first and hopefully last time at The Fun Barn!

The Fun Barn Experience

Do you ever walk somewhere and say to yourself: "I have a bad feeling about this." Well, I had that feeling during my entire visit at the infamous Fun Barn in Nelsonville, Ohio. To understand my traumatic first impressions, I should start at the beginning.

My mod mate Brad and I decided last minute to go see "Venom" at a Thursday night premiere. I tasked him with the responsibility of finding a theater for us to watch it at. I imagined the theater he found was the one in town. I had no idea he managed to find a showing at this place in Nelsonville, dubbed "Movie 10/The Fun Barn." So we rushed to Brad's car to get to Nelsonville on time. The drive was terrible. Me being a city boy I am used to my highways being lit by street lights at night. However, there were none. On top of that this Semi-Truck in front of Brad and I would not stay in his or her lane. Every time we tried to pass the truck, it would inch more and more out of its lane. We managed to pass the truck and arrive at the Fun Barn with plenty of time left.

When we walked into the Fun Barn I was taken back by the number of games and activities one could do. But not taken back with excitement but rather taken back in shock at how many people were there on a Thursday night playing the game machines. It was almost 10:00 pm on a school night and I saw little kids running around and eating hot dogs and milkshakes. It didn't click that this establishment was the only source of entertainment for the citizens of Nelsonville. We continued to walk in looking for the box office and maybe a concession stand.

There was not a box office, just a machine where you swiped a credit/debit card and received the tickets. This machine was very sketchy, it wasn't red and glossy like the eloquent ticket machines at establishments like AMC Theaters and Regal Cinemas. With the fancy on-screen HUD that is appealing to the eyes and invites someone to purchase a ticket. Instead, it is a dirty grey box with generic text that took Brad and me three attempts to swipe each of our cards. I am pretty sure the machine possibly robbed us, but I haven't checked my bank account to verify. The tickets were cheap though, it only cost four dollars. That's a deal!

The movie, as mentioned earlier, was scheduled for 9:50 pm. Brad and I found seats near the front in order to avoid people. There was a decent sized crowd attending which I was surprised, seeing as this area of Ohio is very remote. However, unlike a normal movie theater that plays trailers prior to the movie beginning, the screen was just black. The music played for about twelve seconds before cutting off. Brad and I slowly turned our heads looking at each other as we both found it odd that the movie had not begun playing yet. After ten minutes the lights just shut off. No gentle fade to darkening the room like other theater establishments. It was just a hard cut to darkness. This was a moment where I thought I was going to die. And no other patron seemed to be phased by the lights just shutting off. There was also a strange and loud humming that no one was concerned about. Before I could make an escape plan, the movie begins to play. Like, straight into the movie. Wherever I go here in Athens for movies the theater tends to skip the trailers.

So "Venom" plays and the film is…okay. It isn't marvelous, but it also isn't bad. Throughout the film, I was laughing every five minutes at how outlandish the character motivations and story events played out. For example, one line that completely took me out of the movie for two whole minutes as I was chuckling uncontrollably. If you do not want to read it skip one paragraph.

(Mild-Spoilers): In the film Venom (Why is he named Venom? Just cause the movie doesn't explain.) makes a remark to Eddie Brock, the host he is infesting. Anyway, in the comics, Venom is this brutal monster that has a twisted sense of humor. However, when Eddie questions why Venom wants to save the world, the parasite says: "Well you see where I come from, I am a loser like you…" and I immediately lost it. Venom, the guy who eats people's heads off, was a loser on his home planet. That completely took me out of the film.

Anyway, average movie aside, Brad and I waited for the two post-credit scenes that play after many Marvel films. As we walk out the entrance we came through earlier was blocked off, all the lights were shut off and no staff in site. Brad and I looked down the long hallway. Lined with a bright red carpet, stained with years of spills and smug. The walls pitched black, darker than the night sky. Overhead lights slightly flicker, illuminating the hallway. It was a scene out of a Steven King novel. A Five Nights At Freddy's restaurant come alive. We were spooked. But then a family behind us who also stayed to watch the post-credit scenes walked out and headed for the fire exit door. The label clearly stating: "Do Not Open Door or Fire Alarm will Ring." Normally when one sees that sign then a little voice at the back of their head tells them: "You know, maybe we shouldn't go that way." But the family just opens the door and walks through. I don't know if I should have been glad or worried about the door. Because it's like "Yay the door opened, but why didn't the alarm go off... Does it ever work?!"

Brad and I speed-walked to our car and had some colorful words for the Fun Barn. To quote Frozone from the Incredibles: "We are never doing that again." And with that we drove off back to Ohio University, processing all that had happened.

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