On May 25, 11 states filed a lawsuit against the Obama Administration over the new transgender directive. This directive allows transgender students to use the restroom and the locker rooms of the gender in which they identify with, not based upon what sex their birth certificate states. In order to ensure these students receive their bathroom rights the Obama Administration will stop the state’s federal funding unless this new bathroom policy is followed.
The 11 states filing the lawsuit are: Texas, Alabama, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Tennessee, Arizona's Department of Education, Maine Gov. Paul LePage, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Utah and Georgia. The main reason these states are filing such a lawsuit is out of fear; the fear their children will be sexually assaulted by sexual predators who might take advantage of this new ruling.
First, let’s look at what it means to be a transgender individual. A transgender individual is a biological male or female who self-identifies themselves to be either male or female in gender. This means transgender females have the genitalia of males, but they view themselves to be female. A transgender female acts like any other female, which means they are attracted to men. A transgender individual wants to use the restroom of the gender they identify with, not to sexually, verbally or physically assault anyone but to relieve their bladders. They are human beings who deserve equality, but what stands in the way of this equality is fear.
Many heterosexuals are afraid, not of the transgender individuals, but of those sexual predators who will use the bathrooms inappropriately. There is no guarantee the transgender looking male or female is truly transgender or if they are dressed as a specific gender in the hopes of sexually violating others. This fear is only confirmed when people like Sebastian, a producer of the "Woody Show," dressed up as a female in order to be a participant in Lady’s night. He was allowed to participate because he was assumed to be a transgender female. If Sebastian did this to obtain higher broadcast ratings than a sexual predator can easily do this in order to sexually abuse the person in the stall next to them.
This fear is what is leading the lawsuits against the Obama Administration and even though I want equality, the fear is not there without reason. There are so many sick minded individuals who will abuse the rights of the transgender population for their own perverted means. However, the transgender population deserves equality and they should be allowed to use a restroom they too feel safe in. So, as a country where do we find equality among so much fear? Is it even possible?
For me there are four solutions:
1. Unisex bathrooms
This is where all bathrooms need to be destroyed and remodeled into unisex bathrooms. A room with one toilet, full door, and a lock. Have as many needed but it is a way to provide restrooms, safety and equality. It should be the same with the showers and changing rooms in locker rooms.
2. Bathroom Attendants
Allow the transgender population to use the restroom they identify with and educate the population about local sexual predators. Also, hire bathroom attendants to ensure the safety of all bathroom users. The bathroom attendants will act like a bathroom security guard and monitor the bathroom to ensure no one is being a peeping Tom or attacking the transgender population.
3. The Third Bathroom
Give the transgender population their own bathroom only if 90 percent of the transgender population vote and approve this option. This option borders on segregation, not equality, so only if the transgender population agrees then we should do it.
4. Home
Give the transgender population their right to choose and if you are still afraid get used to never utilizing a public restroom and never allowing your family to use a public restroom. Fear shouldn’t prevent equality, but you don’t need to pee in public bathrooms.
What solution do you want? Or do you have another way to end the fear and promote equality? Comment and share.