Who doesn’t admire a good love story? I think it is safe to say many do, myself included. Another thing that I find to be relatable is watching a video on YouTube, then all of sudden, you are seven videos deep in something completely different from what you were originally watching. Been there, done that. Which brings me to one of the cutest commercials I have ever watched. It was an advertisement for Extra Gum. This commercial was touching, hopeful, beautifully done and so heartwarming. So much so that it actually made me cry.
For starters, the song choice could not have been more perfectly picked out. Haley Reinhart’s version of “Can’t Help Falling In Love” played thought out the video and matched the situation to a T. The commercial follows a couple, Sarah and Juan, on their journey together. It begins with the first time they laid eyes on each other to many events they endeavored as a couple. The video has no words other than the song. You never hear what the two are saying to one another. It is just their actions. To show someone that you love them means tremendously more than saying the words. Don’t get me wrong, saying it is of course important as well. However, when the love is right there in front of you to see, I believe it feels vastly stronger and more genuine. In this short commercial, there is not one doubt that these two are not in love with each other. And that is just from observation. Actions always speak louder than words, especially when it comes to love.