The Case Against Abortion
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The Case Against Abortion

Evidence in favor of life.

The Case Against Abortion

According to Life News, about 1.2 million innocent babies are aborted each year. I understand that this topic is very sensitive to many, but I feel the need to temporarily step away from the emotional side of this and look into why I believe abortion is wrong. Here I'll present a case on why I believe abortion is objectively wrong with scientific, historical, social, and biblical evidence.

Today the majority of feminists assert that abortion is a “woman’s right.” What most contemporary feminists forget is that their predecessors, who fought for women suffrage in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, viewed abortion as murder. The famous American social reformer, Susan B. Anthony firmly opposed abortion. Anthony said, “I deplore the horrible crime of child murder [abortion].” Anthony wasn’t alone in the feminist opposition against abortion, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Matilda Gage also condemned what they believed to be a violation of human life. Modern feminists could learn a few things from history's revered feminists.

The most common pro-choice arguments are “it’s a blob of tissue” and “No one knows when life begins.” These can be easily refuted with a scientific thrust. Pro-Choice advocates are known for saying that abortion is merely between “a woman and her body.” This is not scientifically accurate. The Family Research Council notes that the human zygote “includes a complete ‘design,’ guiding not only early development but even hereditary attributes that will appear in childhood and adulthood, from hair and eye color to personality traits.” It’s scientifically clear the human zygote has a genetic makeup that is definitely unique from its mother. Thus, it’s not just between “a woman and her body.” Additionally, a human embryo fulfils all criteria required to be considered biological life: metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction. The Family Research Council further notes, “Scientists define an organism as a complex structure of interdependent elements constituted to carry on the activities of life by separately-functioning but mutually dependent organs.” They conclude, “the human zygote meets this definition with ease.” The scientific evidence establishes a strong case for the sanctity of life.

Social and scientific evidence aren’t alone in presenting a strong case against abortion, biblical and historical corroboration exists too. Critics argue that there is no scriptural condemnation of abortion, but they are irrefutably wrong. As sociologist Alvin J. Schmidt noted, “there are at least two biblical references that cast considerable doubt” on the assertion that there’s no biblical prohibition on abortion. In Galatians 5:20, Paul issued a list of sins. One of the sins discussed in this passage is pharmakeia, the making and managing of potions. It is quite likely that when Paul used the word pharmakeia, he meant the practice of abortion, because managing medicinal potions was a common way fostering abortions in the Greco-Roman world.

In Revelation 21:8, the Apostle John denounced “sexual immorality,” which these words are immediately followed by the plural word pharmakois, evidently because sexual immorality often produced unwelcomed pregnancies being aborted. Even the pagan, Plutarch, as Schmidt claims, noted that pharmakeia was associated with contraception and abortion. Around 190 A.D., the Christian lawyer, Minucius Felix, asserted, “There are women who, by medicinal draughts, extinguish in the womb and commit infanticide upon the offspring yet unborn.” Felix wasn’t alone in condemning abortion, virtually all of the church fathers opposed abortion.

Clement of Alexandria, an early church father, “identifies pharmakeia as abortifacient,” meaning he corroborated the fact that medicinal potions were used to induce abortions. Other church fathers, and Christian philosophers who opposed abortion were St. Jerome, Caesarius of Arles, Basil of Caesarea, Athenagoras, and St. Augustine. Even later prominent Christians opposed abortion, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. John Calvin said, “The unborn child though enclosed in the womb of its mother, is already a human being… and should not be robbed of the life which it has not yet begun to enjoy.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor whom Hitler executed, stated, “destruction of the embryo in the mother’s womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life.” Schmidt notes in How Christianity Changed the World that Bonhoeffer’s statement was widely typical for Christian theologians up until around Roe V. Wade.

The Christian opposition to abortion isn’t an ambiguous theological perception, the Bible explicitly condemns murder in Exodus under the 10 commandments, “thou shalt not murder.” As a believer of Jesus Christ, I firmly believe Christians cannot ignore this issue. Believers from all denominations should unite and confront this issue.

Every single person who accents to the belief that all life is treasured, should readily be appalled by the evil that has been done by abortion. It’s not a matter of rights, rather it’s about the value that each life holds. According to scripture, every human is “made in the image of God.” Additionally, as noted above, we have established that there’s historical, social, and scientific evidence against abortion. What’s even more remarkable is that the woman who brought about the historical lawsuit, known as Roe V. Wade, is now opposed to abortion. Norma McCorvey, known as Jane Roe, converted to the pro-life movement. Thousands of Americans are realizing the horror that abortion has done to both the unborn and women, just as McCorvey has. In my opinion, I don't believe anyone out of inconvenience has the right to terminate the life of an unborn child.


How Christianity Changed the World- Alvin Schmidt

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