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Traveling To Ohio Was The Best And Worst Trip All At Once

From the car ride to the hotel, this trip was the most eventful ones I have ever encountered!

Lindsey McCoy-Instagram

My goal for this summer was to take more trips, and to be more adventurous.

I think I have succeeded, and now I am adventured-out. No more from me.. not until next summer. What I thought was going to be a very well-planned trip turned into a chaotic mess... but ironically, it was only this way for half of us. Six people total went on this trip.. Three girls, Three boys, and who managed to mess it all up? The girls. We have no idea how it all came about, nor do we want to know. We drove separately from the boys because we had a grand masterplan to arrive to the hotel first, and to relax and have a girls night. That did not happen.

We drove from Clarksville, TN to Sandusky, OH, and what should have been an eight hour roadtrip...turned into fourteen hours. Well, I was told to be ready to roll out at 8am. My ride didn't get there until after 9, and we had to pick up our other friend, and we didn't get on the road until after 10. But we stopped for food, and left at 10:30ish. But with a couple of traffic delays, pit stops, and heavy weather, we were estimated to be in Ohio by 8pm, and it would be 9pm in Ohio time.

We did not make that at all. Sure, yes. It was 9pm by the time we made it to Sandusky, Ohio. Though, we did not go to the right place. We put in the wrong address from the booking website, and we were an hour and a half away from where we were supposed to be.

So we automatically assumed that we paid for a bogus hotel, because we called it and they didn't answer. Then, the gps takes us through a super sketchy town in Sandusky and we had apparently "arrived" at our location in the city with zero street lights. We had arrived at Cozy Acres... a mobile home park that was next to a cemetery! So you can imagine our hesitance. Then we drove almost two hours to the hotel, which was a Days Inn... and some shit went down there too, but that's a whole other situation.

Once we made it to the Days Inn, that was located in Milan, OH!!! We finally get checked in, and the website didn't tell us that we had to pay a security deposit for the room. That was not advertised. So I use my debit card to pay it, because they say that it'll be refunded at the end of our stay. Well, then we decide to get food because we had deserved it at the rate our day was already going... then we go to McDonald's to eat a quick meal.. then our day was further destroyed because they didn't have ANY BEEF!!! WTF!! We were fuming angry.

So we go to Taco Bell instead, and we hit hardcore traffic because a semi-truck fell over into a ditch? Weird. Then we got food, and went back to the hotel, and the boys who drove separate from us... they were on the road three hours after us, and then they got there at the same time as us!! Ridiculous.

Then we examined the hotel room, which was advertised as a double room which we understood it to be two separate rooms with a conjoined door. That didn't happen at all. One bedroom, double bed, and a pullout sofa. They had two showers in the bathroom, but none of us wanted to shower simultaneously. So it was weird.

Well, the next day we get up early and go to Cedar Point, the famous amusement park in Ohio. THIS PLACE WAS SO MUCH FUN! I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone! Though, being as pale as I am, be sure to bring plenty of sunscreen with you. Also, if you have any inkling to bring a fanny pack... please do so because it was painful to see everyone around me wearing their fanny packs, and I did not. I was a little sad about it. Get plenty of rest beforehand, because if you make it an all day affair.. you will get exhausted. If you think you can do that and the waterpark in one day, you can't.

Also, the waterpark is a different price from the amusement park. So you'll be sorely disappointed, as we were. But I rode the craziest rides like the Millennium Force, The Dragster, Wicked Twister, The Maverick, etc. These rides were tall and fast and my adrenaline and anxiety were running far beyond my highest limits. The meal plans there are also very much worth it, and I ate some semi healthy food and didn't feel like garbage the entire day.

The next day, we decided to go to the beach, and that was fun. The wind was blowing like crazy, and the sand was so freaking warm! I was definitely the whitest person there, but I loved every minute of being outside with people I care about!

That night we went swimming in the hotel pool and used the hot jacuzzi and it was an awesome night. We went back to the room and played Phase 10. Great experience, considering we were all drinking and being nerdy.

The next morning we departed at the same time, only so we could arrive at home at the same time too. But we left and checked out and went to get gas, but my friend's card declined, and we had no idea why. She checked her bank account and the hotel charged her for the room twice!! So I had this gut feeling like I should also check my bank account considering I paid for the security deposit, and sure enough, they had charged me twice for the hotel room and once for the security deposit.

We drove back to the hotel to avoid any further financial complications, and sure enough, we did not dodge any of it. The ladies weren't taking the matter seriously. I was panicked because I had over $700 taken from me in this event. The girls managing were laughing at this. So we were furious. I called my bank and told them about the situation, and they told me that I would have an affidavit ready to fill out and sign when I arrived back home, but I got lucky and the charges disappeared and all of my money came back!

Moral of the story: make what you can of the situation you're in. I was fortunate to go through this with such good people, too!

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