Orlando, Florida. Victim. Hate. Innocent. Terror. These are just a few of the words that come to mind when thinking about the recent terrorist attack at a gay night club here. Innocent lives were stolen- by a man having affiliation with the terrorist organization ISIS- lacking tolerance and possessing a deeply rooted hatred for people living in a homosexual lifestyle, who entered the bar and began shooting on a Saturday night. The occurrence shook the world, affecting individuals of various denominations, cultures, and beliefs from all over. The entire world mourns the loss of innocent lives.
As Christians, this event caused many of us to implement and utilize inward reflection. These are our thoughts.
The Christian Church is an affirming church. We affirm that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We affirm that He came to save us from our sins regardless of what they were--homosexuality, lying, stealing, etc. We affirm that no sin is a greater sin than another--as they are all seen as equally in God's eyes. We affirm that there is no individual that exists that does not need Jesus and His sacrifice. We affirm that acts of hatred are inexcusable. We affirm that humans are to love one another equally to ourselves.
The Orlando shooting was an unjust and brutally gruesome happening. It stemmed from hate, and hateful teachings, as well as a desire to harm. Nothing about the people whose lives were taken made them deserving of this diabolical act. Regardless of what lifestyle one lives, every single person on this planet is a sinner, Every single person on this planet needs the grace of God.
This poses a challenge to people within the Church. Let us treat each other with kindness, with genuine love, and with insurmountable tolerance, so that we can be peace keepers, and so that the Lord can utilize the Church as instruments of his peace. Let us share that love with others and do so daily.
As humans, we can make an excellent difference in the life we are given. We have so much power, and are fearfully equipped with great intellect. In the vastness of the world we have a single choice. The choice, is what kind of influence we will have on the Earth. Good? Or bad? Every single action in our life pours into one of the two. The outcome of this powerful, powerful notion- could be as large as 60 peoples' lives.
Our message to the families of the Victims of this tragedy is:
We love you, we are praying for you, our thoughts go to your homes and communities, we are in reverence with you, and may God bless you.