Why I chose my LGBTQ daughter over the Evangelical Church | Susan Cottrell | TEDxMileHigh | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

10 Ted Talks You Need To Watch Right Now

As someone who identifies as a feminist, humanitarian, eco-conscious, Christian, is LGBTQ+, among other things, Ted Talks are a quick and efficient way to learn about a variety of topics.

10 Ted Talks You Need To Watch Right Now

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I love watching Ted Talks because it gives people with unique and/or marginalized groups a platform to speak their truth. Regardless of whether this experience is professional or personal, it helps to spark important conversations that desperately need to be normalized in our community. So the next time you have fifteen or twenty minutes maybe instead of rewatching an episode of The Office for the seventh time you can watch one of these talks.

We Should All Be Feminists - Chimimanda Ngozi Adiche

This talk has since been adapted into a book also titled "We Should All Be Feminists". If you're at all interested in feminist or African literature, Adiche is your girl. She has authored several books both nonfiction and fiction and I couldn't recommend them more. But if you want to hear the perspective of a modern, Nigerian feminist without reading, her TedxTalk is a good place to start.

My descent into America’s neo-Nazi movement -- and how I got out | Christian Picciolini

With the seemingly sudden rise of neo-nazism in America, I think it is extremely important that we understand how "normal" people slowly transform into the monsters that commit egregious acts against humanity. The only way we stop tragedy from striking our schools, mosques, churches, and nightclubs is if we extinguish intolerance at its inception. And by speaking his truth, Christian is helping to make the world a safer and more accepting place.

Why I'm done trying to be "man enough" | Justin Baldoni

With his striking humility and brutal honesty about his own struggles with toxic masculinity, Justin Baldoni is helping to start a very important conversation that is long overdue.

This talk has since led to the inception of a movement called #WeAreManEnough which focuses on redefining masculinity. This movement and Justin, specifically, are what helps to break down the toxic mindsets and expectations of modern masculinity.

Men shouldn't have to be anything in order to be "real men". This is a hard conversation to have and that is why it is even more important that it takes place.

I grew up in a cult. It was heaven -- and hell. | Lilia Tarawa | TEDxChristchurch

Like many of the issues in our society, religious extremism is something that is incredibly influential and can have profound impacts on society. We often think of cults and dismiss them as "too extreme" or ask "how could someone be so ignorant that they would join a cult". It is easy to forget that these institutions start out with manipulation in its simplest and easily dismissed stages and that it pointedly targets people who are already vulnerable.

Why I chose my LGBTQ daughter over the Evangelical Church | Susan Cottrell | TEDxMileHigh

The seemingly paradoxical identity of being both a Christian and a member of the LGBTQ+ can be very difficult to come to terms with. Especially when you have roots that are deeply planted in a community that tells you that these two things cannot coexist. But sometimes, love overcomes hate, intolerance, and dogma and it makes something beautiful.

Finding Identity: An LGBTQ Pastor’s Journey | David Norse | TEDxPhiladelphia

Along with the difficulties parenting and loving someone who is existing in a sphere that is unwelcoming and potentially hostile state come the difficulties of actually existing in that state.

As someone who identifies as both a Christian and a lesbian, I can attest to the difficulties that I have faced in the few months since coming out. And the courage that it takes to not only proudly accept both of these identities but also to pursue a career in the church is unrivaled.

I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left | Megan Phelps-Roper

Ah, once again religious extremism makes an appearance. Megan's humbling story helps to give insight and hope above all else. When we see extreme protesters with signs like "God hates f*gs" and "Rabbi's rape kids" it can be so easy to just dismiss these people.

And granted, many of the people you will encounter will never change their mind. But what if a simple act of peaceful conversation and meeting intolerance with grace could encourage people to question the narratives that they had been told their whole life.

Why I live a zero waste life | Lauren Singer | TEDxTeen

Sustainable living comes in a variety of ways and there are simple but purposeful ways that we can all work to reduce our waste. Here, Lauren explains the ways in which she attempts to live as "zero waste" as possible.

And while a completely zero waste lifestyle is hardly feasible for all of us, there are so many simple swaps that could make a large impact if they are implemented.

Every Argument Against Veganism | Ed Winters | TEDxBathUniversity

Another aspect of living sustainable is, undeniably, reducing our consumption of animal products. Ethical matters and views on what is "healthy" aside, it is undeniable that the mass production of animal products is leading to the destruction of our planet. In this talk, Ed details his life as a vegan and now passionate vegan activist.

The Muslim on the airplane | Amal Kassir | TEDxMileHighWomen

The tenth and final talk is, by far, one of my favorites. Not only do I love the fact that Amal is an incredible poet but I love the fact that Amal uses her platform for so much inherent good.

She speaks about her identity as a visible Muslim and how that affects her on a daily basis. It is vital that we hear and validate the very real experiences of people different from us. And people who are similar to us because it can give us a sense of camaraderie and make us feel as though we are not alone as we navigate the sometimes scary world around us.

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Photo by Seven Shooter on Unsplash

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