What if I told you that it only takes one thing, just one, to make a great team? Would you believe me? Well, there is, and the fact that you’re reading this means you’re interested in finding out. I’m guessing you’re on a team of some sort and you have the hunger to be unstoppable and undefeatable.
I have always been a big fan of being a part of a team atmosphere. I am in love with the idea of doing life together with a community of people and engaging in activities we love. It’s so awesome to be able to do something you’re passionate about and share that experience with new people who then become great friends.
So, I’m guessing you want to know the secret. It’s not really a secret. It’s something staring you in the face at every practice.
A lot of the time, people are praising the skills and abilities of one person and forgetting to see how that person is treating another teammate. Your team should be your family, in my opinion. When you guys are working together, everyone matters and everyone is important. You must use everyone’s great skills to accomplish the big things.
I know we all want to be star players on our teams but we must admit, we wouldn’t be where we are without them. And if you’re looking to become a better player at whatever sport, your teammates should be the ones you can turn to. No amount of exercise, changes in diet, sports gear, or money (yes, not even money) can improve your gameplay if you don’t have the support you need. It’s not all about you, it’s about how you can be so good, you’ll benefit the team doing so.
And this goes for coaches too, because I know I have had some coaches that were just nasty. You know what I’m talking about. “ALL YOU GUYS ARE GONNA GET IT AT PRACTICE!” “EVERY MISSED SO AND SO IS 5 SUICIDES!” The “tough love” coach. The one who throws his/her hat on the ground and can’t control his/her temper. Those do exist, but if all they care about is winning and they don’t give a crap about your feelings.... A positive attitude comes first, before the good play. Not the other way around. And I think that’s where the confusion comes in.
We do not have to be happy go lucky all the time. I don’t want people to be fake. There’s a difference between being fake and being understanding. Throw a compliment where there needs to be one. Throw some positivity in the open. When everyone is, down and has that “I’m so pissed. This is so stupid” attitude, bring the positivity 10x harder that you would if you guys had a 10-point lead. If a player is struggling, give them feedback, not a piece of your mind.
The worst kind of team is a divided team. I am certain that a team that encourages is a team that will raise the best players. It can make a huge difference in a team’s performance when everyone is positive and uplifting even in those moments when things are looking bad. It can make a huge difference in a teammate's performance just to hear a compliment from a teammate. Coaches often try to give the pep talk to their athletes but it can only do so much.
If you don’t believe in my secret, let me ask you this: Have you ever heard of a team winning an outstanding number of times made up of negative and narcissistic people? I didn’t think so.