For When You're Feeling Lost
It's so easy to get caught up in the little stresses of life.
It's so incredibly easy to get caught up in the stressors of everyday life. It's so easy to feel like you're overwhelmed and there's so much going on that you're not really sure where to turn. You can get so caught up in what people think, or your job, or friend drama, or things going on in a relationship. It's so incredibly easy to stress and feel like the world is moving to fast around you and you can't help yourself - but you can.
Whenever you feel like there's too much going on and you can't help yourself but get worked up, you need to remember that everything happens for a reason. Your job can be the best thing that ever happened to you, and it can still have days that it sucks. Your relationship can be the love of your life, but there will be days that you fight or things seem off. You can have the absolute best friends in the world and you'll still have days where you feel like they barely know you. It makes sense that things don't always line up and your life can feel weird and out of whack. You can get completely caught up in all of the negatives and the stresses of everyday life - but always remember that it's not too much for you to handle.
When things get to be too much, always remember that you're in this moment. You are standing or sitting or whatever in this particular place and it's so important to know that this is where you're supposed to be. Something led you to this point. Whether it was a decision you made or an opportunity you took, you're in this moment. You're right here and you can look at that as a mistake or a bad situation, or you can realize that something led you to this point in time. Something brought you here and you need to realize that you're here for a reason.
Find the good in the moment. Find the lesson. Find the heartache. Find the negative and learn from it. Find a way to take your mind out of the situation that you're in - that bad day at your job, that fight with your significant other, that disconnect from your loved ones. When you really think about that moment that has you so stressed or caught up in it, you'll realize that you were put in this moment because you're strong enough to handle it. You're here for a reason, and you'll get through it. This Moment