Is God Calling You To A Purging Process This Time In Your Life?
It may be subtle or blunt but that doesn't change what He's calling you to do.
We all go through seasons in our lives that we aren't happy with who we are, what we are doing, or who we surround ourselves with. We find worldly things to make us more comfortable and forget the uneasiness we feel about our lives. It may be food, Netflix, Instagram, or anything we can hide our feelings in. We get so used to this numbing process that our natural inclination when uneasiness arises is to go to these things and ease this calling we label as bad. But, why do we label it so negatively? Why is it that when life isn't going the way we want it, when our friends don't agree with us, or that when we're pulled out of our comfort zones we see it as bad?
The voice inside of us calling us out of our comfort zones, making our daily lives feel a little less secure is seen as the enemy. We want control and we want to know where we're going. Change can be scary, but only if you give it power. Why can't we change our perspective and embrace change and the beauty of seasons in our lives. Nothing lasts forever except for God's love for us so why don't we cling to that? Why is it that the one constant in our lives is the one thing we reject the most and try to fill with temporary things?
Spend some time alone. Reflect on your life whether it's the last month, two years, or ten years. Invite God in and ask Him where He's calling you to go and what He's asking you to let go of. The restlessness inside of you is Him speaking to you. You can either run from it for the rest of your life and let it constantly catch up to you or you can turn it over and ask Jesus for peace and guidance. He will lead you, I promise. It's a matter of us willing to listen. As soon as we give Jesus our hearts and our ears, He will speak to us. But, don't be afraid to be uncomfortable and let go of things. With less weighing us down, the more free we are to live this life God intended for us.